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CSS with Steam CMD


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to update CSS you now have to use SteamCMD...


I use AppID: 232330


When i try to update iam getting this Error:


Logging in user 'Hosters' to Steam Public...Success.

ERROR! Failed to install app '232330' (No subscription)

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1

"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"

@NoPromptForPassword 1

"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"

set_steam_guard_code "NONE"



Iam using a Steam Account which i was always using for TCadmin... This Account have no Games Installed... I just registered it and thats all...


Steam Guard is also Disabled for this Account...

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I have this error:


Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Success.

[1mforce_install_dir "/home/tcagame/kikozw/2408/"

[0mapplicationmanager.cpp (2082) : Assertion Failed: PLAT_GetExecutablePath( rgchBinPath, (sizeof(rgchBinPath)/sizeof((rgchBinPath)[0])) )

[1mapp_update 232330 validate

[0mapplicationmanager.cpp (801) : Assertion Failed: Failed to write app state file


How can i fix this ?



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