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TF2 May 13th Failed Update


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TF2 - I cannot get this game to update for our servers and the customers. It connects into steam, everything looks fine then no files downloaded is listed on screen.


In console we get this:


Received 1683582 bytes item schema version 0B96F651 direct data; update is queued.


Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.

Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.



I have restarted this thing till the cows come came home and nothing. I double checked our game configs etc, nada.


The only thing I haven't done is do a complete uninstall and reinstall.


Which makes me wonder about the rest of the Steam games we have in our inventory...


This is on a TCadmin Monitor Version:

Web Version:


Running on Linux Centos 6x servers with the same type OSon the servers running our remotes.


For my sanity and our customers, any help would be appreciated.





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Literally just fixed this issue myself...


If you had DOWNLOADED the game using HLDS then you need to change the Relative Executible to srcds.exe / srcds_run in the TF2 Files & Directories tab...


Update existing Services... THEN...


Delete the entire folder/files for your... /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/tf2-linux (or windows... whichever you use...)


Re-download them by using ./download_tf2-linux.sh


Now.. all updates will goto the ROOT directory (steamCMD doesn't use ORANGEBOX folder anymore... HLDS did..)


Enjoy mass copy/pasting users custom files =( It sucks... lol

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DamienWebb -


I am letting it re-download as I type - I changed the reletive executable to scrds.exe / scrds_run and am now re-downloading this in the master before i head out to the remotes.


When you say "root" directory for updates, you mean the Games directory in the /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/ correct?


Also do I need to to change anything with the Steam update? - I have it set for User Anonymous and PW is random numbers.





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Ok it's up and running -


Changed the xml file, delete the old tf2 game - re-download and did a reinstall on the Demo server. Worked - Now to start the clients - it seems the big thing is the elimination of the orangebox folder has everything squirrelly.



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