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Moving TCAdmin to a new dedicated server.


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Okay, so i recently had a server at hetzner, but found out that was not the solution for me. So i switched company - now i would like to move the whole tcadmin installation to the new dedicated.

The database is on a mysql remote server so thats not a problem. How would i do this?

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I have been in this situation before. But never moved masters.


If you ask kindly Luis might allow you to have a remote license for a few days allowing you to install TCAdmin as a slave on your new server and then use the TCAdmin move feature to move all services over for you.


After this is done change your configuration so the remote becomes your new master and you should be good to go.

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You can create a support ticket to get support not just sales. Basically what you need to do is move your game files to the new server. Install tcadmin and configure it to connect to the existing database. Go to Settings > Game Tools. Run the verify/repair tool with "update run as user" checked. This will fix the file system permissions so the game servers can be started.

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