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What do i need?


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sorry u probably heard this 100 times...




But i,m a fast growing game server host,i have now 3 amd x2 boxes running all setup with different games and ftp




Now is my question what do i need if i want to admin them all


and pay per month?




And would it be more "performance" if i would setup a amd sempron 2400+ as masterserver?




i dont know exacly how it works but what would i need for that options?





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And does the system need to be installed on the gameboxes too?


ie: mysql database etcetc?




thanks for your reply




regards Zemmel



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As far as licensing you would need 1 Master License and the appropriate amount of remote licenses (1 for each server box)




So if we go by the specs above, you would need 1 Master and 2 remote licenses.




The Master server which house the wepages and the database, can also be used to host games on. However, if you plan on growing larger, a small sized dedicated box would work fine as your master server. You can also throw your Teamspeak or other voice servers on that box as well.




The only box required to host the webpages/database is the master. Remote servers run a small footprint monitor service that communicates back to your master server.




For pricing, you would be looking at something similar to below:




1 Master License - $15.95/mo


2 Remote Licenses - x $15.95/mo = $31.90




Total = $47.85/mo




Or you could purchase the licensing which would be something like this:




1 Master Server - $200.00


2 Remote Servers x $150.00 = $300.00




Total = $500.00




Purchased licensing comes with 1 year of updates and support. You have the option to renew, or simply run it as is after that.

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That sounds very reasonable!


Thank you for your explanation.




1 more question,i seem to have problems on port 80 with svchost.exe so had trouble last time trying to run a mysqldatabase and webservr application on port 80




How will the master server install, i need to setup a mysql database first?




im sorry but i,m not really into webhosting :smile:

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MYSql database server should be installed first. MYSql does not use port 80, and actually will only be communicating via localhost.




During the setup program you can set the website to run on any port you would like. I does not have to be port 80. You can do 81, 82, 8080... any port you would like.




If you are serious about giving us a try, call our sales line, and Steve can set you up with a 20 day free trial. Then you can get things setup, configured and ask any questions to support.




Our sales line is 1-866-369-7056




We only ask for some general info to make sure you are a valid game hoster.




After the trial, if you wish to purchase, you simply order and you continue using what you allready have installed and configured. If you don't think our software is for you, then you walk away and owe nothing.

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thank you for the offer but im outside usa i cant call your number easy so thats my bad :sad: i already tried it but it wouldnt work :sad:

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1 more question for example i would have a montly lease and i would want to buy the licenses later can u go on under the same software?


and key?




thank you

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