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Wow sucks to be these guys


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Checkout FragReady.com


hey ******* you should learn linux tucker, maybe take a class? anyways this server has a bootkit enjoy buying a new motherboard if you want to get rid of me.


I received an email from FragReady's Support System saying something about a hacker and get a refund so i checked out their website and found this.

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Hello, I will begin with that as of a couple weeks ago or so, I am no longer with FragReady. I quit.


In these last few days more and more Game Server Providers have come out and contacted me saying they have proof Tucker, now the Managing Director, has been ddosing their networks. (Sorry for going off topic). In the coming days, you will probably see several threads around the internet from VERY well known Game Server Providers and Web Hosting companies. When I quit, my network was ddosed, my personal email was hacked, everything, my steam account had all the friends deleted, and "someone" removed me from a group as the admin, and made themselves the admin. They use a chat program called HipChat for staff, and my access wasn't deleted completely, so fortunately for me, I have all kinds of logs from when they said they were attacking me, other companies, or gaming communities.


I will say that I have no problems with Calvin or Miguel, but as far as Tucker goes, I don't know what happened.


I always praised his work.


As far as their site being hacked, as far as I know, they're having a war with a CS:GO community.. CS:GO community allegedly attacked their network, then Tucker was attacking the gaming communities.


Needless to say, FragReady has many people not happy with them.


It really sucks, because the clients are the ones who are being let down. 99% of FragReady clients, I directly communicated with at one point of time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I find it amusing that one of the people in that convo (Calvin) sent us a resume last year.


Honestly, Calvin is a good guy. I just think he's mixed up in the wrong crowd right now.


He was/is a great tech support guy, I would have highly recommended him to anyone.


The story is much bigger than just this, I've been contacted by several other gaming communities, server companies, and even data centers. Their are ongoing legal and internal investigations. Which is why not everything I know was released.


Regardless, it seems that every year there is some GSP drama, this year it's

FragReady. It's unfortunate that we were all working for frag ready for different reasons.


I spent a lot of hours on that company for literally $0.44/hour. Which I didn't mind for the first few months. I was handling practically all the marketing / sales / billing / and even support tickets. I did quite a bit of the machine installs when in fact tucker was getting paid to do them.


The way I look at it is why even work there, when I could start my own company. I won't pay myself until things are going, not a cent until I can pay my employees a reasonable salary.


Sorry; typing on phone.

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Maybe, he seemed knowledgeable on the HLDS mailing list. However, just because you use Tor to air your dirty laundry doesn't make it anymore acceptable.


Once you do things like that, you lose all creditably as a person in my book (and many others).


In any case, this is pretty much beating of a dead horse so...

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