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Steam CMD/Guard issues?


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Hi Guys,


All of a sudden we seem to be getting errors updating games through SteamCMD in the Game CP. When I dig deeper I see that steam Guard is turning back on after it was turned off. I login to the account in a steam client and disable it again and after one update in TCAdmin it's activated again.


I tried changing it to my personal steam account and got a few goes updating before its done the same thing.


Anyone else having this issue?


>"steamcmd.exe" +runscript "fcpNN12D.steamcmd" +exit

Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation

-- type 'quit' to exit --

Loading Steam API...OK.


Logging in user 'MYUSERNAME' to Steam Public...Login Failure: Invalid Login Auth Code

FAILED with result code 65

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1

"@ShutdownOnFailedCommand" = "1"

@NoPromptForPassword *****

"@NoPromptForPassword *****

set_steam_guard_code "NONE"

login "*****" "*****"

CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 1 items discarded.

Redirecting stderr to '\logs\stderr.txt'

[ 0%] Checking for available updates...

[----] Verifying installation...


>cd /d "\" 2>nul






>del /q Tools\SteamCmd\fcpNN12D.steamcmd


The process has completed.

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Hi Guys,


Thanks for the replies


Ben - Yes I do, it wouldn't come up with the error I get? Wouldn't it say no subscription?


Jerome - I'm using the TCAdmin one, where do you go to do that?


Dennis - How would I do that? would I steamCMD and login on every one?



Thanks Guys


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Hi Dennis,


No luck I'm afraid, what we've tried is the following:


1. Check our steam account and ensure steam guard is turned ON

2. Login to one of our nodes and run steamcmd from the desktop

3. Login using our login details, prompted for the Steam Guard code, add it and logs in fine.

4. Once done, close SteamCMD and deploy a test server to the same node.


Fails again code 65.

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This issue is a massive pain. We have tried the following


1. Switching steam guard off entirely - works for a couple of updates then switches itself back on


2. Switching it on then logging into steamcmd and providing steamguard code - works for a couple of updates then asks for code again


3. Switching it on and logging into actual steam on a server providing steamguard code - works for a couple of updates then asks for code again


No matter what we do steam guard switches back on an stops clients from updating their services. Opened a ticket with steam but guess what, sweet fa from them.

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If you were on about the tcadmin version, it depends on your OS, if the server you're trying to install to has a faulty steamcmd install on a windows box, it should be in:


NB: My master server is Linux, so I'm a bit more knowledgeable but I do have a Windows server too;


C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Monitor\Tools


Simply delete the steamcmd folder, create/update a new gameserver and it should extract/create a fresh steamcmd copy, if this doesn't work then something is wrong on your end, disabling the ie protection like Dennis said would be a good idea, if you need any help on this I may be able to investigate further for you, or you could always send a ticket to tcadmin support.



Kind Regards,

Jerome Haynes

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We are also having the same issue, steam guard randomly keeps coming back online without us enabling it. Its a real problem as we are not always around to re-disable the feature.


This has been happening since the 16th April and hasnt stopped, either steam has changes the settings, someone is trying to hack/login to the account and tripping it or there is a game using steamworks forcing steamguard which we have had happen once before.

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