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Error when "Creating a game service"


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Can not install a game via "Create a Service"

Getting this error:

"Error - The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\rust_server.exe does not exist"


I tried creating an account, getting the same error:

Error - The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\dwbhoxton\1\rust\rust_server.exe does not exist


So I thought, I'd create the folders myself as they weren't even there yet.

Then another error: Folder allready excists..


What do I have to do? Or what am I doing wrong? :confused:

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Yes it is mate, check this out: http://puu.sh/hrAhn/62315360fb.png


And these are the steps that I followed:

Install SteamCMD

Start SteamCMD

Log in with a Steam account or anonymously: login anonymous or username

Run: app_update 258550 -beta legacy validate (to download the old legacy Rust Dedicated Server (rust.legacy))

Source: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rust_Dedicated_Server


I got the XML config from the support.

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Ahh, that's the old Rust, that's why.

In that case TCAdmin is correct. C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\rust_server.exe doesn't exist at all.


You would have to remove /rust/ from the executable file path and just leave it as rust_server.exe.

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Voila, example: LINK REMOVED


It's this:


runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe

Password: ************

cd /d C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\

C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust_server.exe -ip ***.54.***.98 -port 28015 -players 100 rust_server.exe -batchmode -hostname $[hostname] -map rust_island_2013 -cfg rust\rust_server_Data\server.cfg -datadir "serverdata/""


Edit: You didn't blank out your PW and IP mate.

Edited by DWBHoxton
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It's this:


runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe

Password: ************

cd /d C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\

C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust_server.exe -ip ***.54.***.98 -port 28015 -players 100 rust_server.exe -batchmode -hostname $[hostname] -map rust_island_2013 -cfg rust\rust_server_Data\server.cfg -datadir "serverdata/""


Edit: You didn't blank out your PW and IP mate.


Every line there, is a command in cmd.

Execute em one after the other.

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