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Everything posted by SickPuppy

  1. Make sure you run the ue3redist.exe in the binaries/windows folder
  2. Most issues we found were related to out of date C++
  3. Sounds like a Windows 2008 issue. Do you run 2008 on all of your servers.
  4. Need a little information like company name, website, number and type of servers.


    Email is sickpuppy@hostilecontact.com

  5. The physics will cause this game to be a CPU and RAM hog.
  6. Send me a copy of the CPU limiter and I will test it out. If it works I will purchase a copy.
  7. We have the servers running. The issue is CPU load an empty server uses between 7 and 10%. It also wants to max a single core can't seem to get it to use all cores.
  8. All I know is they set up a master server when the SOF2 master went down. The site was shown to me by one of my customers. If it is a master server then your IP addresses should be there

  9. Nothing blocking 10481. Windows Firewall on or off same issue. I don't now if he uses a hardware firewall.
  10. This is the error on the server: Warning: GAMESPY: Unable to initialize the qr2 SDK This is a port conflict, QR2 communication protocol, but I don't think it is related to the Game Port or Query Port I tested several different Game Port and Query Port combinations on his Master Server. I started at 10480 and went all the way up to 10980 in increments of 100, nothing worked. I then went from 11000 up to 11500 in increments of 20 and still nothing. I am sure I could solve this issue but it will take time and require an intrusive scan into your system. It will require software installation and reboots. It is going to be hard to do with all of the game servers you have running on the box. I would recommend just not running SWAT on the server. If you want I can take another look at it this weekend, just let me know when.
  11. This is the error and it is caused by a port conflict Warning: GAMESPY: Unable to initialize the qr2 SDK Maybe someone will know how to fix it, can't find much on the Internet about it except that it is a port issue.
  12. Set me up as an admin in your TCAdmin control panel and I will fix this for you. Send the control panel URL, username, and password to sickpuppy@hostilecontact.com I will log in and set it up.
  13. Contact me on our Ventrilo port 7125
  14. We have a stable Vegas 2 server running. we will post a config sometime this week. It appears that you are going to need PB web-tool to admin the server. We did get the server to run without a compatible video card.
  15. This is what is happening when you start RB6 Vegas The server is looking for a 3.0 Shader compliant video card if it can't find one it gives an error and shuts down. It appears that even in the dedicated server mode you need a compatible video card.
  16. Did you unzip it first
  17. GORE SE has been added to the download site.
  18. We have a GORE SE config that allows the user to change game types and edit the map rotations. You don't need to start it with a .bat file we run it using the gore.exe I will add it to the download site tonight
  19. If you are using Windows server 2008 try running the service as administrator.
  20. We have a working GORE SE config now. Motor will make a few improvements to it this week and we will add it to the download page.
  21. looks like it runs from command lines so it should be possible. Give us a few days and see what we can do with it. Right now I am having a problem getting it to update.
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