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Everything posted by SickPuppy

  1. I will take a look at it and see if I can get it to run through TCAdmin
  2. I think B3 would be a good tool if it covered a wider range of games.
  3. We gave up on it, not worth the trouble for as few games as it supports
  4. Don't host it right now but I will look at it and see what is up
  5. It is in the list under Half-Life 2 - Garrys Mod 10.rar
  6. It seems B3 only supports a few games don't know if it is worth the trouble.
  7. New to this Big Brother Bot, do you need a DB installed on each server B3 is running on or can you link them all to one common DB. I don't want to run MySql on 15 different servers if I don't need to.
  8. Will do, when we made this config the hldsupdate was not an option
  9. I have uploaded a working AvP3 config to my TCAdmin config download page. It will run on a Windows 2003 x64 OS can't say about 2008 You neeed to run the service as administrator and it will not display on the desktop
  10. Not sure it will run through TCAdmin we played around with it but never got it to run.
  11. I think this game is already dead. Another botched release
  12. I don't think Race 07 will run through TCadmin
  13. We have solved the AvP3 TCAdmin issue, but we are not willing to share this information at this time. We will only provide a config and instructions for installing the servers after we build up our AVP3 customer base. Sorry but after all of the hours we have placed into this we have to get something back out of it And who knows the next patch might fix this issue
  14. From what I can see TCAdmin is failing to set the game up as a service. The config we are using works when starting the game on the desktop but TCAdmin is not creating a service or is unable to start a service.
  15. We have a open steam connection this is not the issue
  16. If you don't know somebody at EA you can forget becoming a Ranked Provider
  17. --mode public_server --ip_address --port 27015 --config_file server_cfg.txt
  18. All we did was download the dedicated server files from steam we did not change the file structure
  19. It appears that the game compatibility mode was set to HL2 in the cofig. Although this is not causing an issue on our servers it seems to be an issue for others. Just disable the compatibility mode.
  20. We are not having this crash issue. We just did a new install on a new server and it worked fine. The config is not the issue.
  21. Bill set me up with a Temp admin account on your TCAdmin control panel and I will log in and take a look at it. If you can get the game to run by starting it on the desktop it has to be a TCAdmin issue.
  22. Ok we have identified the issue and we have it fixed MotorMouth will post an updated config later tonight.
  23. I will talk to MotorMouth and see what he had to do to get it to run.
  24. Yes we have it running on a Windows server 2003 x64
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