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Everything posted by SickPuppy

  1. As soon as the game is released we will create one and post it at
  2. This comes from another one of the flamers. It must be hard for one A to recognize another A
  3. Maddog the config works, we have a test server up now. Disregard studeggle, you will find a few flaming A-Holes in here like that. He doesn't remember back when he first started. Oh that's right, he is one of those people that just know everything he has never had to ask for help. You might want to check the version of .net, you need .net2.0 Also we had to purchase the game to get the correct dedicated server files. The free dedicated server files we received from Jaakko did not work. I think MotorMouth had to tweak the config louise created but it did work.
  4. Has anybody determined what kind of resources is it using
  5. Does anyone have a config for Shattered Horizon yet
  6. No, the TCAdmin config that HostileContact created requires a special batch file, one will not work with the other
  7. In order to get hotlaps to work with TCAdmin you need both our custom config and a custom batch file that we use to allow the customer to control the server. And if you plan on running more than 1 install there are a few other things you will need to do
  8. Vic I wish you would have let me know that you were going to close your gaming division down. I would have liked to discus a buy out

  9. Don't trust her, she still owes me $100
  10. If it is that important you can call me

    912 572 7673

  11. Derek I have no issue with you buying the Master and Remote license. My issue is with louise.

  12. I would not advise anyone to run a cracked copy of any software. However, with that said, running multiple installs of a legally purchased game is just as bad. You would not try to buy 1 copy of TCAdmin and run it on 15 servers so what makes you think buying one copy of COD WAW and running it on 15 servers is ok. So before you start condemning someone make sure you are in compliance with EULA.
  13. Am I missing something on the maxplayer commands for this game. I thought you could override the 16 player limit by adding Maxplayer 32 to the Valve.rc file and then add +maxplayer 32 to the commandline. Does not seem to work, I can't get it to go past 16.
  14. Anytime the game crashes it wants to restart in safe mode. Add +safe to the command line. You can run the game server in safe mode without issue.
  15. We have still not sloved the CPU issue but we are running at about 15% on an empty server
  16. You can get the PB commands form a site called http://www.PunksBusted.com I would post them but I think they are only intended for their members use.
  17. Yes we have fixed this issue try adding this to the command line +safe
  18. There is a script that runs through PB that helps keep the ram usage low. It works by dumping cvar and md5 checks out of the ram after they run. It works on AA it should work with COD 5
  19. Joshdch, The issue right now is no command line commands and high CPU load. The server is set to read a default server.cfg that it writes in the my documents folder. This is the TCAdmin config we have created but it has limited functionality. FarCry2.txt
  20. Dude if you cannot run 500 slots on a dual quad core system you need to get out of the business. That is probably why you cannot make a profit at a $1.00 a slot. CPU usage and RAM are not the limiting factors it is bandwidth. The server could run more than 500 slots but we would get hit with bandwidth overage fees. You have to be smart about which games you load on the server. Like Motor said with AA you would be lucky to get 200 slots to run, just because of the RAM requirements. What I stated is we found the command line commands, we have not gotten them to work yet, but we have been able to reduce the CPU load on a full server to 15% which is still way too high When Far Cry 1 was released, it also had a high CPU usage issue. That problem was solved by a player not Ubi. If you are waiting on Ubi to patch it good luck with that. We will come up with a fix if someone does not beat us to it. When we fix it, we will post the solution. We are not like some who would keep it a secrete. We have been helped by too many TCAdmin forum members to try to screw people over for $ sv_netstats sv_maxrate sv_maxupdaterate sv_maxcmdrate sv_max_scheduling_delay sv_min_scheduling_delay sv_DedicatedMaxRate sys_StreamCompressionMask
  21. With attitudes like this why bother posting, do it yourself.
  22. Done, we have reduced the CPU load and we have the command line syntax
  23. Some GSPs are starting to drop their prices. You can find FarCry 2 now for $5.00 a slot. When I crack this CPU load issue I will rent them for $1.00 a slot until then we are not even going to try.
  24. If you can solve the CPU load issue, you will make a killing on this game at $2.00 a slot.
  25. We thought about offering it at $6 a slot but with the CPU load, we are going to charge $8 a slot, min 16 slots, and limit the number of installs to one per box. The CPU load is going to kill this game if Ubi does not fix this soon.
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