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Everything posted by SickPuppy

  1. I combined the 2 .bat files and it stops then starts both services the only problem is it keeps stoping and starting them over and over
  2. I am working on that now no success yet.
  3. I need help with ARCA Hotlaps. I have setup the Hotlaps config so that a customer can edit it through TCAdmin. The problem is starting and stopping it. It runs through a stopservice.bat and a startservice.bat file. After making changes to the config, Hotlaps must be restarted. To do that you first have to run the stopservice.bat then run the startservice.bat. How do I set up a TCAdmin service that will execute the stopservice.bat and then automatically run the startservice.bat? What would be even better would have the stopservice.bat and startservice.bat files automatically run when the game server is restarted.
  4. Has anyone tried to run the free BF2 ranked servers that Hypernia provides? I have 5 ranked BF2 servers and 5 ranked 2142 servers on my dedicated box. I would like to run them through TCAdmin. Hypernia is also offering ranked Quake Wars servers when they are released. Plan on getting 5 of them it would be great if I could run them with TCAdmin!!!! It is not reselling, I call it donations.
  5. How about setting up the free ranked servers that Hypernia provide when you rent a dedicated box?
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