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Everything posted by {-SMAKU-}_MotorMouth

  1. Here is the correct command line we use.
  2. The reason the server is not showing is you will need to add it to your filter in the game. By default non honor and passworded server will not show.
  3. Only Honor server are showing on the browser now. If you have trouble with the game not loading it's probably a DX or c++. You will need to make sure you have the latest c++ and DX drivers installed.
  4. AA3 servers are a resource hog! Notice when it boots to the TS3 loading you will see the CPU max 1 or more cores on some CPU's. As far as RAM goes it uses almost 500MB empty to 1.5GB with a full server depending on the map. You will also notice the max player does not work nor does the spectator set to 0 either. And also you will notice that the AA3Game.ini file get's overwritten by the DefaultGame.ini file. You may need to set TCAdmin to use the DefaultGame.ini if that happens, it seems to happen mostly on 64bit systems.
  5. Steam is for the client Beta Testers. All client downloads have to go through the Deploy Client. I know 1 person that downloaded the steam version and had his AA3 account banned!
  6. We are on the server beta as well as other TCA users and yes it has TS3. You can get on the client beta through Fileplanet and see what the game is like.
  7. Are you sure you have the d3dx9_37.dll file. We found that it needs dx9 files that don't come with the install or Windows. I had many different errors until I installed this dll file. http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?d3dx9_37
  8. Did you ever get this problem solved? If not 1 other problem could be your install does not have the DedicatedServer folder. It needs that folder before you start the server up. If not it will build the folder and files without any input from TCadmin.
  9. You have to add slots in the command line +maxplayers 24 <---that is how it should look for a 24 slot rFactor. Here is a config I've made. Rfactor.txt
  10. If you start a dedicated server it should create a DedicatedServer folder. Inside the folder you should see a DedicatedServer.plr file.
  11. It seems the Master browser for COD WAW is down at the moment.
  12. Games like ASR and rFactor will run 500 active slots on a dual quad core system with 8Gb or more of RAM. Those games use little CPU or RAM. Bandwidth it can be a hog with. rFactor is a drive space hog. My install on my system is over 50GB because of all the mods it has. 500 AA slots no, it all depends on the game. And the fix for the High CPU on CF2 was an easy one, we stopped the game from running. No more CPU hog!
  13. What you are forgetting is EA bought out Crytek after the release was ready. The demo is great. I'm sure the game is too. Now that EA owns the franchise I'm sure it's only downhill from here for the game.
  14. Nope Doug. We are told by Hypernia that ranked BF2 can be rented out but we are limited on the 2142 installs we have.
  15. The Mechanical Failures in the template have the wrong Variable. I forget what it was but I had to edit it. It's not the same as text file. We never could get it to set right. It was always off. I copy+paste that and it worked.
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