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Everything posted by gordo

  1. I have the server max players set to 24 , only shows 22 and only 10 players can connect , what am i doing wrong or is it limited while in beta?
  2. My server keeps crashing when i run it by tcadmin , when i run the .bat file it works fine any help guys? added my config redorchestra2beta.txt
  3. does anyone have a working config for this game ?
  4. From what i see the game is either 8 slots or 16 slots ? is this correct ? , is there a way to enforce the slot count?
  5. I'm also looking for a config,anyone ??
  6. thank you very much well, I set-up each stv server on different ports , is that not correct??.
  7. I need to add an option in my cfg's for stv port , so that I can chose a TV port to use.atm I have to change the default command line each time I install a server. eg. -game cstrike -console +ip xxx.xx.xx.xx -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg -tickrate 66 +map de_dust2 [color="RED"]+tv_port 27099[/color] your help would be appreciated.
  8. could someone be so kind and share the server files with me
  9. how do I make srcdsfpsboost run as a service ? has anyone got a game cfg I can use .
  10. lol yeah true , i ended up just buying the game and dl from ea lol. anyway iv got a server up and runnning fine without Pb, when i enable it no one can connect.
  11. could some one be so kind and share server files my upload is so slow will take forever
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