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Everything posted by Mr.Flibble

  1. hmm... my keys just not working.. saying invalid :S ... maybe it takes a while after you create an account
  2. i have it running on 2003 x64.. but im using the dedicated server from bin32, instead of bin64... i have no idea why it's doesn't work with 64bit binarys.
  3. yeah.. i tried r_driver = "DX10" and the other method i found and it still doesn't work... i thought some official docs would be out by now.. there is no use having PB running because people with Vista x64 or Win X64 cannot play on PB servers.. the client has no x64 support for PB yet.. had afew people complaining that they kept getting disconnected from server messages upon trying to connect
  4. i uploaded the game to the server.. ok.. for Dx10 (which doesn't work for me) is this +g_nextlevel s x in the command line and +g_nextlevel s for DX9
  5. yeah.. im about to try and get a DX10 server going, because from what i've been reading, it reduces server utilization, cos the physics is calculated from the client.. Sice getting hte server up, my 20player's public was getting a flogging.. I've set the affinity to 1 core to monitor it.. Im running 2 x Dual Opteron's 2.4gig and it was taking almost 1 whole core on a large map. The game takes abit of getting used to, but i'm really into it now.. once you learn it's ways. I think the command r_driver = "DX10" might change it to DX10
  6. i got that error above when i tried the dedicated in the 64bit bin.. even though im running Windows 2003 R2 64... :S Works fine in the 32bit bin.. ill try the TCadmin script tonight
  7. well.. i sused some of it out and now i have a server up.. What i did was create a game in the GUI from my side, put the settings in i wanted, select dedicated and run.. this generated a server.cfg file in mydocs\my games\crysis\config the map rotation is a XML file in mydocs\my games\crysis\Profiles\Default\levelrotation i then copied the new files to the dedicated server in the same locations. then exec like this in cmd C:\GameInstalls\Crysis\Bin32>CrysisDedicatedServer.exe +exec "C:\Documents and S ettings\Administrator\My Documents\My Games\Crysis\Config\server.cfg" then in the console you have to tell which map to run. map multiplayer/ps/shore this will kick it off..
  8. a guy on another forum told us that in My docs\My games\Crysis is the location of the server.cfg, but my installation doesn't have that.. only the profiles saved for playing hte client of the game.. I hvae run the dedicated server, and it didn't generate a default config
  9. do you know where the server configs are.. or if they exsist... By hte looks.. we haveto create them from scratch, but there is now documents on doing this, let alone any help with anything to do with dedicated servers
  10. yeah, i know what you mean.. it looks to use hte user profile, but i dont actually see any type of MP config located in there.. well one that has more then 2 lines..
  11. i have it.. but i cant find the dedicated configs.. :S the layout is abit wierd
  12. i did a test with hunkmegs.. i tried one server with 200, and another with 256. Both servers were full for most of most of the day, but both were still very simular with memory usage.. 270meg in Taskmanager for the 200 hunkmeg server, and 276meg in Taskmanager for the 256 hunkmeg server..
  13. what hunkmegs are you guys running.. My servers are running fine with 256.. and thats 24 player servers.. it does creap upto 280meg after 48 hours usage, but sits around that.. how low can you go.... it's pretty dam popular.. also.. about hte servers not showing up in server browser list.. i think activision master server were getting hit hard.. we waited over 4 hours, mucking around with setting, but it eventually showed.. i was reading in other forums, others were having the same issues.. im not having any toruble now though
  14. The dedicated Server binarys are out for Windows.. you can get them here or here It's a slow download though.. 25k for me .. but it's only 70meg
  15. i'm really interested in this also..
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