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Everything posted by revowow

  1. revowow

    Remote Admin

    Clicking the Generate Hash button, keeps just saying "This field is Required" Any fixes?
  2. Apparently, files cant be located on desktop found out that, but is their anyway to show the servers to make them ?
  3. I even try to do this on server, installed Visual Studio 2017, and i get this after following the steps:
  4. Yes but everytime i create a project I get this error:
  5. Hey, As i see the MVS Template system, is their a way to have a "Project" for MS Studio we could use with the base framework?
  6. Welll, i been trying to get this to work, and as i am not even sure what to do, would you be able, I am suprized that no one shares this much, this is how you grow a product by expanding its knowledge.
  7. I got the server to setup, create the Mysql, but i would like if the user forgot his Password and user to auto show it or send to email a reminder of his connection, whats easiest way to do this?
  8. I been trying but failed so far, (Will keep doing it) Would anyone by any chance have a Atlas Config File they could share ?
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