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Everything posted by maddanny

  1. Again, this is not TCAdmin official support, if you have an issue with TCAdmin open a ticket. And google can ask right to this question so ask him PS: TCAdmin is just a helper, so it doesnt need nothing more that you need when you start the server by hand.
  2. That's a good question, anybody already tried it ?
  3. You just have to look at default COD5 command line and use same shortcuts ...
  4. Btw, what about tickrate ? As it's running valve server, can we select the tickrate like css servers ?
  5. Changing the kernel on Windows ? Only way is using 2008 and HPET motherboards.
  6. I think that the right question is: why need 1000fps ???
  7. We're talking about game servers and except for few games, you can run unlimited number of servers ... (but not all EULA are talking about this!)
  8. I agree with rich835. And how your customer installed cracked version, do you allow your clients to upload executables files on your server ????
  9. There are no way to decrease CPU usage as it's generated by dunia.dll if (Game.InitEngine(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.BaseAddress, form, form.EmptyControl, commandLine, new Game.ConsoleCallback(Instance.ConsoleCallback), new Game.MessageCallback(Instance.MessageCallback))) { while (!Instance.IsDisposed && Game.Running) { lock (m_gameCallbacks) { foreach (GameCallback callback in m_gameCallbacks) { callback.Run(); } m_gameCallbacks.Clear(); } [b][color="red"]Game.TickDuniaEngine();[/color][/b] } Game.ShutdownEngine(); } else { MessageBox.Show("An error occurs during the initialisation of Dunia", "Far Cry\x00ae 2 Server Launcher", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); }
  10. Ok the patch was released yesterday, they added a -start=[configfile] parameter to the server launcher but still didnt fixed cpu usage
  11. you can run several Crysis (Wars) process on a single server, but you cannot bind it to an IP as rcon and xml/rpc are still binding to Best solution is to use a single IP for all Crysis servers but customers doesnt like having special ports for the game and you cannot balance them on other servers
  12. It's not true. But be careful, all ports except game will bind on ALL ips of the server So with TCAdmin you'll have to modify them by hand once install is done (and after email with game information was sent) :/
  13. Crytek didnt worked alot on War dedicated, there are still same bugs ! rcon ports are still not binded on server ip
  14. I'm just copied Crysis config and replaced exe name by crysiswarsdedicatedserver.exe, nothing more! And everything is working fine !
  15. ok, server is now running fine but as their master servers are down, it's not listed ! only thing i didnt get running it's bind it to a specified ip
  16. Not yet, i'm still on it. As there are no official documentation for dedicated server, it's not easy
  17. I got it yesterday but my graphic card doesnt like it and choosed to die (a small 8800 GTX ) so i just had time to make small tests. but it's seems that dedicated server opens a graphic window to show console ?! why game developers are so stupid ? what's the next step, require quad GC config for servers ? another thing, it's seems it's required to modify fsgame.ltx file, to set server save directory. i'll post the config asa it's works
  18. Why do you not make it yourself ??? You just have to read user manual or another game config
  19. demo server is the same as normal one, same config just limited to 2 maps.
  20. It's a dedicated server file. We already got them but no doc yet, we'll got some more infos this afternoon (EST time ).
  21. thanks tangogc for the config file I had only a little problem, server status was not working until i set "Game Compatibility" to "GameSpy4" instead of "GameSpy3"
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