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Everything posted by frbnet

  1. what settings for Homefront under "Game Server Compatibility" ??
  2. What about getting the ftp to virus scan ??
  3. if you get bored too much, what about that intrigued a shop system that can use all the new features coming in V2. Hour rental and reseller accounts, or are you in dialogue with whmcs aboute this features ?
  4. looking for a way to update all servers so the gameinstalls files is up to date. Best Regards Kim
  5. Server disable do to STV is on, when maxklient is 13 Reason: Game server max slots has been modified from 13 to 14 any one got same problem and how do i fix it ??
  6. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OE2GA663 is there 2 time but warmod is not on the list you so fine have made
  7. i try net_graph 3 and it shows around 200 - 250 fps ? and i have change to +fps_max 0
  8. none taken, i just got request on steam games, and i am a total noob on this.
  9. cant get the server to run 500 FPS, can any one help me ?? Server hardware: i7 920 2.66 8 GB DDR3 Barracuda ES2 500GB Club3D HD4350 100/100 Mbit/s Fiber line Software: Vista 64Bits with srcdsfpsboost running boot cmd: srcds.exe -game cstrike -console +ip serverip -port 28020 +maxplayers 20 -tickrate 100 +max_fps 600 +exec server.cfg +map de_aztec server.cfg: // server cvars mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_footsteps 1 mp_autoteambalance 1 mp_autokick 1 mp_flashlight 1 mp_tkpunish 1 mp_forcecamera 0 sv_alltalk 0 sv_pausable 0 sv_cheats 0 sv_consistency 1 sv_allowupload 1 sv_allowdownload 1 sv_maxspeed 320 mp_limitteams 2 mp_hostagepenalty 5 sv_voiceenable 1 mp_allowspectators 1 mp_timelimit 25 mp_chattime 10 sv_timeout 65 // round specific cvars mp_freezetime 6 mp_roundtime 5 mp_startmoney 800 mp_c4timer 45 mp_fraglimit 0 mp_maxrounds 0 mp_winlimit 0 mp_playerid 0 mp_spawnprotectiontime 5 // bandwidth rates/settings sv_minrate 100 sv_maxrate 101 decalfrequency 60 sv_maxupdaterate 101 sv_minupdaterate 100 sv_maxrate 30000 sv_minrate 25000 // server logging log off sv_logbans 0 sv_logecho 1 sv_logfile 1 sv_log_onefile 0 // operation sv_lan 0 sv_region 3 // execute ban files exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg // server comans sv_accelerate 5 sv_airaccelerate 10 sv_gravity 800 sv_stepsize 18 sv_stopspeed 100
  10. I had some bad sectors on my fileserver hd, so my bf2 with bf2cc is lost, so is there some one that can help me with the files and a cfg that works with them ?? Best Regards frbnet
  11. problem fixed, got the correct aa cfg file now
  12. no i can't get my honor licens to work
  13. Is there no one that got a honor server cfg file thats works for more then one A3 server, on a server ?????
  14. This cfg works for me with No Honor America's Army - 3.0 No Honor.txt
  15. is there any one that got a tc cfg for No Honor ??
  16. aa3 dedicated server is from steam it is online to dl now
  17. i found aa3 dedicated server and this defaultgame.ini looks like the old aa2.x.x server.ini DefaultGame.txt
  18. i hope someone was beta testing AA3 with TS3. i know the release date on AA3 is the 17
  19. dos any one got any info on American's Army 3 and TeamSpeak 3 yet ???
  20. i need som help to add pam4 and promod mods to my system. i have try to do it but it shows cod4host under hostname i pam4. best regards and thanks up front
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