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Everything posted by frbnet

  1. fixed damn IE love my Firefox
  2. when trying to edit *.ini i am getting a small edit window
  3. insert a default.htm into your cp.domain.com with <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="0;URL=http://cp.yourdomain.dk:tcadminport"> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  4. think because v2 supports Windows Vista and 7, which has limitations in IIS in numbers of connections
  5. or wait for custom link to be add and then make a script that use SourceRSC like v1 guide http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=6410
  6. one of my beta tester was just a good idea, under mods menu. Once you have installed a mod, they get a sub-menu with addons that can be installed under that mod just like in the Configuration Files to display the config of the individual config files under each installed mods so you installed the mods will show a sub-menu with additional things you can install this individual mod
  7. sure it is not the CS:S ghost bug after last updates try change sv_master_legacy_mode 0 to sv_master_legacy_mode 1 setmaster add "" setmaster add ""
  8. frbnet

    Steam Update error

    must often needs to be run 2 times before it update, because it often abort the first time you run it.
  9. if you disable IIS and setup V2 Master to use port 80 instead off 8880 it works with like http://cp.redspeedservers.com = your V2 IP in dns setup
  10. import v1 config it works
  11. all depending on plugins install players and so on (missing cpu / ram info) to say good or bad server
  12. One error install gdb # Auto detecting CPU /home/tcagame/XXXXXXXX/14/orangebox/srcds_run: line 183: gdb: command not found Using default binary: ./srcds_linux Enabling debug mode WARNING: Please install gdb first. <---- there goto http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/
  13. CS:S 1000 fps is not a option on windows after update 24/6 is it posibel with CentOS ??
  14. love to have a enable/disable function of mods, with action script cause for this function. Do to CS:S often come with updates that makes mods does not work afterwards, so a diable function that can delete a VDF file, without erasing all user mods settings until a new working update is released
  15. Yeah but har do i add +exec (userinsert) and so on like in v1, cant find info on that ?
  16. will the function from v1 to create Cmd Line come back to v2 ??
  17. add action script to form. i have seen some places that when using CS:S plugin where they can enable /disable form and script is moving file to a disable folder if selected disable and back to main folder if enabled. is it possible to add ??
  18. will be nice to have add maps into maplist.txt in like cs:s when user install a single map or map pack. like when you install mods install / uninstall scripts Best Regards Kim Soenderup eSportServers
  19. i am getting StartError i status bar and can't start services i have check that TCAdmin2Game has full access to UserFiles i have checked services and no service setup by TCAdmin2, have try to reinstall services but no luck to get service running
  20. switch / with \ and is working now
  21. i have try with del orangebox/cstrike/addons/mattie_eventscripts.vdf but dont work, what am i doing wrong ??
  22. who to get it to work with b3 Homefront plugin ??
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