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Everything posted by Johnny5_Hull

  1. @Goran Using that config, the user would be unable to edit the slot count and such as you say, and having viewd the command line, they are indeed admin only. However you only have %usercmdline% foer the sustom line option, and this confuses me. If the user can create their own command line, but cant change the command line options for slots etc, they would then be left from the command line and the server would not work. Have I got that wrong? @Everyone Am I right in saying that even with the 1.3 patch, server still require a gamespy id to be listed? Thanks.
  2. It's not where you bought it from, its the files that you get. Steam games have dedicated server files you can download, whereas what you have bought is a client side set of files, not dedicated server files. You need the files that come on the dvd or the direct2drive files, as they are the same as what you would get on the disc.
  3. Hopefully someone may (he says hopefully, tentatively) put together an unofficial on, simmilar to that of san-andreas... We can but dream
  4. I think everyone on here has made it very clear that you have either made a mistake by allowing a client to install cracked software, or that you have made a mistake by doing so yourself. Either way, my advice would be to either get legal, or get out of the gsp business, otherwise you may be in for a shock!!
  5. Iv'e had 2 runnng, mainly for load testing purposes, and had no crashes on either.... at all, which I am well surprised with. I am running 2 12 slotters, which have both pretty much been full. Neither has gone over 200MB. All I have done is used the initial config posted with ECF, and made no adjustments to it at all. I guess it must just come down to the differences in server set up that's causing so many different outcomes.
  6. Am I right in presuming you guys are running this on the files for the beta? And if so do you reckon that it will stay the same when the official files are out?
  7. That is what I was trying to get at Vet cheers And no, I don't have skype im afraid
  8. Not that I am aware of... Liek I say, I just did the usual.. patched with the tcadmin update tool, then applied the patch to the TF2 servers and they all are fine.... I wonder if anyone else has noticed anything?
  9. Not that I'm being a nay-sayer, but ours are all working fine Without implicating anything, did you patch them up correctly?
  10. I hate to say this guys but we've had them a while..... Its been put through testing on our servers And yep.... that config looks like it should work.... Obviously could'nt post as it would have been against clients interests. and no.... the leak wasn't me before you start.
  11. Ahaaaa .... We hadn't created an additional FTP client as admin, it was actually the fact that I had buggered the script up when changing some of the config values. All sorted now though, my hand has been slapped Cheers though, I know know that creating an account would be bad.
  12. Yes..... we have....... Good or Bad? Actually thinking about it, I don't think we have.... do you mean one which would display on the following page Admin Home > FTP Accounts ?
  13. I hope someone can help me on this... Ive used the script provided in this thread (the latter script ) but just keep getting the following message when trying to create a sever... The failure email I get through says Its vexing me, and I wondered if anyone had any ideas. Thanks
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