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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. With an empty Server.cfg my MW3 Console is still Freezing on Executing server config "server.cfg"
  2. CMD Line Console CMD Line Console version 1.2.358 Connecting to online services.... Connected to online services. Executing server config "server.cfg" (It just Freezes there) Server Config is everything ok ??
  3. steam.dll from the steam client?
  4. That CMD is Erroring I think its +start map_rotate
  5. Ok Many thanks for your help My Server Config is now Command Line Console : its been like that for a few minutes - Problem with server.cfg?
  6. If I use Command Line (If i use +seta sv_maprotation default it carn't find the File and Shuts down the server) My Server.cfg 8/10 my MW3 Server Console will freeze on
  7. seta for the command line and the Server.cfg?
  8. ARGH! Command Line : Server.cfg (in players2) Console : Whats Wrong?
  9. According to my Steam Client - I can download the Dedicated Server Files even tho i don't own the game?
  10. Thanks Do you have a Working Server config?
  11. cAn anyone give me a command line and a server config please? Command Line Im Currently using : iw5mp_server.exe set fs_savepath C:\TCAFiles\Users\Adam\24\ +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set sv_maxclients 18 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate +set Net_port 28961 and "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\call of duty modern warfare 3\iw5mp_server.exe" +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set sv_maxclients 18 +exec server.cfg +map_rotate Yet when i type say Hi in console it says "Server is not Running"??
  12. Im also looking for this If anyone has a working template could they please upload it please? Many Thanks
  13. I take it from your reply the CMD Line is the same (But Different .exe?)
  14. Does anyone have a Working TCA Config for this? or a Command Line?
  15. Are you Talking about a Server.cfg ... or a TCadmin Config (that has the Command Lines in it ?
  16. Hi


    Do you have +exec server.cfg in ur command line?


    and the server.cfg in the cfg Folder?

  17. The Servers FTp are Linked with your ( or Customers) Panel Username , Password
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