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  1. http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-1-3-0-8-can-mac-linux-come-out-play.30287/ Linux files do exist now.
  2. I support this 100%! TCAdmin2 really could do with a face lift especially since there are all sorts of panels which have very nice simple, flat designs without page loads.
  3. Running Debian 8 on all of my servers, 4 to be exact, no extensive problems so far. The main servers have been running Debian 7.7/7.8 for quite a while.
  4. I just have a script searching a specific directory and users are instructed to input into that folder then hit a sync button. Then it cycles the directory, compresses files 1 by 1 then feeds that to an FTP server, the added bonus of that is i have it checking to make sure files upload so it won't remove files it compressed unless there's a successful upload to the fast download ftp. But generally if what i suggested was built in then i wouldn't have to go to them extreme measures.
  5. Surprised no one looked over this, very useful feature to have, i had to write my own fast download scripts to provide fast download support for killing floor customers. Where as if this feature was implemented then we could use the built in fast download feature along with the config alteration on the killing floor game config to tell it which program to use for compression. Very good to have if any more games come along and have their own compression methods.
  6. BomBom

    Opera Support?

    That seems to happen when the styles don't load properly. Happens on n off every so often.
  7. Instead of adding more file support to the fast download compression, why not allow custom file specification? You could easily put the compression file somewhere and specify the command line that it would use to compress game files. Something like this. <path to compression tool> $[File] So say we was doing this for Killing Floor, we could do something like. $[service.RootDirectory]/System/UCC.exe compress $[File] Which would then compress the file into .uz2 format. I think this method would actually be great since if any new games popup which include a tool to compress files for a fast download source then you could easily use this feature without waiting on a TCAdmin update to support the new game compression format. What do others think?
  8. BomBom

    Opera Support?

    Hey. Every time a user logs into my tcadmin using opera they seem to get stuck in a redirection loop. Just a page saying "Object moved to..." with a link which takes you back to the same page saying the same thing over n over n over. Where as any of the other typical browsers like google chrome/firefox/internet explorer seem to work perfectly fine. Any idea what is up and is it just me with this issue?
  9. Would it be possible to enable or disable the fast download service per game server and possibly specify custom settings? Same way you can specify custom feature settings per service. Unsure why you didn't have this from the start. Sure some hosts may offer fast download free with most their services but if you only want to enable it for some services, could be a pain, don't want to create a custom game config just for fast download users. Would you also be able to give the billing api some access to set the fast download feature on or off per service?
  10. Does the fast download option allow content to be zipped as in bzip2? Reason i ask is content which is bzipped downloads faster to clients for some games, source engine based games for example, not everything supports that though. Also if files are put in the different game servers from windows explorer when actually accessing the server on rdp, this is a windows server were talking about, would the files get noticed and uploaded to the fast download location? If these features aren't there then would it be possible to add them please? The zipping one would be nice, especially with multiple game support and zip format specified in the game config.
  11. Ahhhh, thanks for a quick fix Was driving me nuts...
  12. Hey There, Recently all of my source based game servers have been playing up when using the query failure detection. I have the query interval set as 300 and the query interval retry as 150. Basically what happens is when any of the servers map change it takes 5/30 seconds which in that time the server times out. Then the query failure detection is rebooting the server thinking it has crashed when it actually hasn't. Reason i know this is because i haven't been getting any dumps, i ran a clean server and also running the server without tcadmin2 or query failure detection off actually works fine. I'm not sure if a recent source engine update has caused this issue or if it's a tcadmin2 issue with queries or something. I have tested this with a gmod, hl2dm and css server. All of them produce the same results. Another thing, i have the query protocol set as Half-Life 2 new and the rcon protocol set as CounterStrikeSource, not sure if that would really matter.
  13. Great update apart from my install broke so i had to manual update. Also i'm still getting the cpu spikes to 100% for around 5 seconds whenever i load the game servers list and it's loading the service status of each game server, only seems to do it when it needs to update the status of many game servers, could also mean it does the same for voice servers but i haven't checked. The cpu usage is a bit better though which is good, would be nice to see it reduced a bit more and in line with tcadmin1.
  14. Thanks for the response. Can't wait for this to be fixed, getting annoying having to disable half of TCAdmin to allow my game servers to breath.
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