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Everything posted by Ragonz

  1. If its only for community purposes you dont have to let keen know You have to have a copy of the game on the account you log into through steamcmd to donwload the files.
  2. Space Engineers and Medieval Engineers are from the same dev team and are pretty much identical in terms of config setup. App id for medieval Engineers is 367970 Do be aware though that if you are a gsp you have to let Keen (the devs) know you are hosting their game.
  3. Ability to "Group" games Within each server you can choose what games to allow to be installed onto that server, however going through and clicking each game individually for each server is very time consuming. A way to group games together (for example "Low Cpu games") would be excellent as they you can select the group rather than every game that would be in that group individually Custom email templates + triggers A section of the game panel that you can configure to email Administrators when the servers cpu is above x% for x amount of time would be one example of a custom trigger A mass update button for a user A button that will send a command to all game servers under that user to update via steam (really useful if you have a test account or a developer on board) A Mass reboot button for a user (ability to choose what game if user has multiple different games under account) A button that will send a command to all game servers under that user to reboot (really useful if you have a test account or a developer on board) Implemented through scripts. A way to schedule steam updates at a certain time that will only occur when there are no players on the server Implemented A method of creating scheduled tasks for a group of users/a game For example say I wanted to create a scheuled reboot for every single CoD4 server we have, a way of doing this without having to go to each server individually would be nice. There would also need to be some way to make that scheduled task create for new services as well (Perhaps a scheduled tasks section in the game profile) The ability to filter by datacenter in the scheduled tasks section The ability to filter out user created tasks in the scheduled tasks section (for example if you wanted to find a service being created that had been submitted by the billing system) Ability to set fast download space per user A start/stop/restart button next to TS3 servers as TCAdmin (in my experience anyway) usually does not start them automatically. Implemented A way for tcadmin to round robin between windows and linux servers rather than requiring 2 separate game configs A button in which we can hide the game port from the user control panel when the game needs the game port and query port but the game port is not needed by customers at all (IE. Ark/Conan) Granular permissions so we can pick who has access to what Partially Implemented Rule detection direct messages, set tcadmin to put a message to the user as a "must be viewed" message within tcadmin rather than an email Implemented Ability to delete multiple mods at the same time rather than having to go into each one and delete individually. (also tie deletion permissions into new granular system) Config editor "Restores" (ie. A way a client can go back to a prior version of their config file after they have inevitably messed it up)
  4. Nope, ticket sent in on 16th, asked for an update on 19th, asked for an update on the 21st nothing
  5. It must be a change steam have made, Also been happening to us since April 16th Unless someone has been trying to hack us both constantly since the 16th which is improbable
  6. I think what Dennis meant was turning off IE protected mode as I cant see anyway of disabling steam guard outside of steam. If IE protected mode was what he meant it hasn't done anything for us.
  7. This issue is a massive pain. We have tried the following 1. Switching steam guard off entirely - works for a couple of updates then switches itself back on 2. Switching it on then logging into steamcmd and providing steamguard code - works for a couple of updates then asks for code again 3. Switching it on and logging into actual steam on a server providing steamguard code - works for a couple of updates then asks for code again No matter what we do steam guard switches back on an stops clients from updating their services. Opened a ticket with steam but guess what, sweet fa from them.
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