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Everything posted by NoDoze

  1. NoDoze

    Dota 2

    I'm testing it now...
  2. NoDoze

    Dota 2

    Good morning here! How's it going?
  3. Hmmm...arma 2 supports mysql, so I hope arma 3 does! LOL
  4. Oh. So a MySQL DB isn't needed...? I already have a remote MySQL DB setup for hive stuff.
  5. Whats the Redis Server...? I see it now in the files.
  6. I forgot to mention...The interesting thing I found out is that the query port for Arma 2 DayZ Epoch only works on 27016 (Connection 2301/Query 27016). On that port it appears on TCAdmin correctly (both the Game Services List and Service Info pages), on the Steam Browsers List, DayZCommander, and DayZ Launcher. But if I change it to anything else like Connection 2301/Query 2302 the server will ONLY appear on the Steam Browser List. Mind you, this is with the Windows Firewall OFF. Odd huh...? Hopefully the correct configs will be the answer... Thanks!
  7. NoDoze

    Dota 2

    Hmmm....yea, I'm messing with the config I have and I can't get it to work....I'm puzzled cause this game is far more simple than other configs out there... I appreciate it.
  8. Sweet! PM me if you want to send it that way. Thanks!
  9. All would be AWESOME! I've been trying to get these to work ALL week! LOL The only working one I have is Arma 2 DayZ Epoch. I could share if you need it? ...but I get the impression you are father along than I
  10. NoDoze

    Dota 2

    Sweet! You guys are rocking it today!
  11. Anyone get a working Win config? I got the server to start up manually, but via tcadmin it crashes, even though the command lines are identical. Thanks
  12. I just wanted to be clear because there is also an Arma 2 Epoch mod. This is for the Arma 3 Epoch mod.
  13. Woa...! Didn't mean to rock the boat. I was just curious about the appid. I've been using the server appid and didn't know the game files also included the server files. We all understand epoch is a mod of arma 3. That wasn't being questioned.
  14. The config has 107410 which is for the game not the server, no?
  15. This is for Arma 3 Epoch? I thought the appid was 233780 for the server...?
  16. Got it fixed! Corrupted files! Redownloaded for the 4th+ time fixed the issue. Yes, BE is running, confirmed when connected to server. Now I have the "Wait for host" issue going on...but I can't remember how I fixed that in the past...
  17. This is a Steam install, and I noticed battleye was not installed by default. Is this what could be causing this???
  18. I am getting this error when Arma 2 starts up: No entry '.profilePathDefault.' This is the command line I am running: -server -nosplash -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -ip=$[service.IpAddress] -port=$[service.GamePort] -profiles=$[service.UserDirectory] -config=server.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -pid=arma2.pid -maxplayers=$[service.Slots] -netlog Anyone know how to solve this? I can't find anything about it on Google. And Luis said to check the game forums, but nothing there either. Thanks!
  19. What would those prerequisites be...?
  20. Yea, any info would help. Steam download stopped working. It says files updated, but no files where downloaded. Thanks
  21. Did anyone give a link for the OP? Can we share it? Thanks
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