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Everything posted by NoDoze

  1. Submitted a support ticket... cd /home/tcadmin/Monitor ./monitor-service install ./serviceman-service install Issue resolved! Thanks
  2. Hmmm... What size servers did you get from them? I check pretty regularly, and all thats ever available are i series
  3. 2 Months!?!?! OMG! That's a long time! ...so was the price change a typo...? LOL
  4. ...But this is not a fresh install...how then would I access the utility...? Or are you suggesting I do a clean install to fix this issue...? Thanks
  5. This is kinda off topic, but how do you guys like OVH...? You said it took a long time to get the server initially setup, how long did it take? Does it take a week? 72 hours? 48 hours? 24 hours? Do they have often network issues? I've heard mixed reviews about them. Thanks!
  6. Every time I restart the server the monitor service needs to be manually started so that the web control panel can be accessed via the browser. TCAdmin 2.0 / Linux This just started happening with the last update. I found this thread: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9689 Tried this: 1/ Stop monitor service from Services 2/ Start monitor in console mode 3/ Exit out of console mode 4/ Start monitor in console mode 5/ Voila, web panel works! LFA said to "Run the tcadmin configuration utility" ...but I'm not sure how to do this via Linux...? I'm puzzled. If all else fails, I was just could to write a bash script to start it from the command line automatically after server restart. But before I do that, I just feel it would be an easy fix in tcadmin, right...? Usually I submit a support ticket for these kinda issues, but I figured I'd try the forums for a change...hope an answer comes soon Thanks! *Edit* ...forgot to mention yes, this is the master server, if there was any doubt.
  7. Sorry, i wasnt clear... Yes, Settings, but in V2 there is no Branded Icon, only Company Info. I dont know where the branded icon is...? Or is it now Company Info...? Then when active, what from company info is pulled/used for the branding? Thanks for the clarification.
  8. V2 there is no general settings tab...?
  9. NoDoze


    Tried logging in as "anonymous" with a blank password...looks like it's working now...
  10. NoDoze


    Running Steam Game Downloader from Game Tools. Any idea what it could be...?
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