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Everything posted by Evilsystem

  1. I see, no problem. But to answer your question, I don't like running anything else on the same server as the gameservers. I don't know how you do it, but I plan to host some gameservers on the Master Server too. I know that some people do not recommend this. But I think I've made up my mind, I'm going to host the database for TCAdmin locally. I get much faster load times that way.
  2. I don't feel the urge to hack anything? I would buy another server to host the MySQL Database for TCAdmin, and others if needed.
  3. It's the same problem I'm having right now, which lead me to think the easiest and best way was to install the database locally. But I still fell like the database should be hosted on a separate server?
  4. I'm working on it now. Just installed mysql server, and only allowed access locally. And one mysql database won't use that must of the servers resources.
  5. Hello, I have a question for you all. Right now I got TCAdmin hooked up to a database located in a different country then the Master server. (Not far). I fell like TCAdmin is running "a little slow", and I was wondering if I should just install a MySQL server locally just for TCAdmin? What do you suggest?
  6. Hello everyone, I was wondering how most of you configure Fast Download? What is the way to go? just having the files locally, on the same dedicated server as the gameservers? Or should I get a server only for fast download?
  7. Hello there.. I just got my dedicated server from OVH. (Finally). It's running CentOS 6.4 "64-bit", and is located in GRA France. I tested its speed and that is just fine. So I install TCAdmin v2 on it, The installation went just fine.. But when I tried to access it, http://MYIP:8880. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn't, it's really wired, It's like it just lose the connect to the server all the time? Any of you using OVH, that know anything about this? I ask here before contacting their support.
  8. Hello there.. I don't know if this is just some wired bug that I have or what is wrong here? I don't know where else to put this so.. This is what's going on. I add "iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8880" to IPTables save it, and go to my host and configure the DNS settings. It's works great and I'm able to access the control panel without the ":8880 in the end of my domain name". But this is what happens the site won't load the content, you know when you go to for example: Game Tools and select "Batch Update" then it just shows that loading.gif thing and nothing happens? And it's not just Batch Update, it's all of them, when I got to Game & Other Voice Servers and search for a game it just shows that loading thing and nothing happens? At first I thought it was a problem with CloudFlare so I disabled it.. But nooo it's Not Cloudflare's fault.. If I access the control panel with ":8880 at the end of the domain it works fine?" What to do about this? Anyone experiencing the same problem?
  9. Oh ye right. Well if shit happens, I'll have to do something about it right? You used "VAC" for Protection?
  10. Really? Well someone told me they would just null-route the IP if the picked up someone DDoS'ing. I knew that they weren't offering any DDoS protection. Well then I guess, I have to use iptables to I can null-route the IP's myself..
  11. Hetzner. I figured out the script. But I got a problem it won't save it: #!/bin/bash iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${ThisService_GamePort} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${ThisService_CustomPort1} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${ThisService_CustomPort2} -j ACCEPT iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${ThisService_CustomPort3} -j ACCEPT [b]/etc/init.d/iptables save[/b] The /etc/init.d/iptables save won't work? I have to run it in PuTTy to save iptables to iptables.save?
  12. Okay thanks for the tip. I just talked to my server provider and they told me if they register a DDoS attack they will simply null-route the IP. But I think I'm going to use IPTables just in case I have to null-route myself.
  13. Hmm okay.. I don't know if I should just get some "DDoS protection" or null-route with iptables whenever I need to.. Put iptables REALLY do not like TCAdmin.. My IPTables keeps clearing.
  14. Hello there.. I'm trying to change the User Files Path for my Virtual server? I just mounted the drive I want to use? But I can't change the User Files Path? I wan't it to go to "/SSD2"? But it's won't let me change it? Any ideas why?
  15. What kind of DDOS protection do you have?
  16. Hello there.. I've been trying to setup iptables to open the ports when a server is created.. I tried this custom script: #!/bin/bash iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport ${Service_GamePort} -j ACCEPT /sbin/service iptables save It doesn't work. I tried Google nothing about it. What are you guys doing? I know some run without iptables? Isn't that a little risky? I mean iptables is a common way of blocking DDOS attacks, and so on?
  17. Hmm. I got a problem with this.. I moved the TCAdmin folder too.. It doesn't seem to be working.. I still got the old server, should I just try only moving the tcagame folder? But what happens to the mail templates, settings and so on?
  18. Great thanks. Should I move the TCAdmin folder too? after install and then override all the files from the new install?
  19. Okay so I install TCAdmin on the new server, I connect to my old database, then I move the tcagame folder to the new server?
  20. Hello there.. I want to move TCAdmin to a new Linux server.. Can I just follow the TCAdmin install on the new server, and then just install it to the old database? How do I get all the files off the old server? (Btw. The old server was running Linux too.)
  21. Yes. I totally agree with you.. And it's free too.. I just wanted to know how it worked out with TCAdmin.. And btw, what Linux-distribution do you use?
  22. Okay. Well actually I need someone to confirm this. I read somewhere that Source games like; CSS, CSGO. Run better on Windows? And Minecraft run better on Linux?
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