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Streamline Servers

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Everything posted by Streamline Servers

  1. To enable Jars: 1. Go to the 'Edit Game' section 2. Click the 'File System Permissions' button: http://puu.sh/nsJyk/07fdc9ccaf.png 3. Expand 'User Files' and click on 'Add permissions by file name' 4. Check if it is disabled here 5. If it is remove it, if not follow on 6. Click add and do the following: http://puu.sh/nsJCf/f9bb0fe45b.png 7. Save and click the http://puu.sh/nsLu3/645a943339.png (unsure if this step is needed)
  2. I would also not suggest running anymore than around 2000 active slots per TS3 node. We've noticed some strange issues if you push it much further.
  3. The file path you mentioned is tiny, so I don't see why you would be getting this error. We have it basically at the exact same path as you without problems so it has me stumped. What's the path to the user it is attempting to install to?
  4. I've seen this. It doesn't appear to just be TCadmin, the servers affected were showing the same players in TCadmin, GameTracker and other 3rd party query software. I just figured it was a bug in the query protocol (could be wrong).
  5. @Jaggl Unfortunately not. It's the same issue as Rust Experimental RCON not working with TCadmin.
  6. Can confirm we had the same issue. We changed the 'STEAM Settings' to 'Execute as the service's user' which seemed to resolve the issue Example:
  7. Would definitely be interested in this
  8. @Zona-gamer Not sure why you have spaces towards the end in the ports. But you are missing ?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress] Here is our Default CMD line as a note. TheIsland?MaxPlayers=$[service.Slots]?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress]?Port=$[service.GamePort]?QueryPort=$[service.QueryPort]?Listen?ServerAdminPassword=$[RConPassword]
  9. Average we see is around 4.5 - 5GB Highest we've seen with 100 on was around 6.5GB When you go over 5 - 10 players the server will use a whole CPU core.
  10. @Zona-Gamer Make sure you use the commandline options: ?MultiHome=$[service.IpAddress] ?Port=$[service.GamePort]
  11. Even more good news, apparently a server performance increase incoming This development team seem to be on top of everything. http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038680712975/
  12. @Exileservers Console and RCON don't yet work. http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/615086038673139870/
  13. @csellebrecht Server listing only shows 100 servers. You'll need to get your clients to search for the list via 'STEAM servers' or using the website: http://arkservers.net/ Also a good trick as their isn't gametracker at the moment, is to setup a 'custom link' Note this will probably only work if you have 'multihome' (IP binding) set in your commandline Config: http://arkservers.net/server/$[service.IpAddress]:$[service.GamePort]
  14. I'd suggest changing the game and query ports away from the default 27015/6 or else you might run into some issues with source based games etc. You can also add [sessionSettings] SessionName=$[HostName] To the end of ShooterGame\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\GameUserSettings.ini if you don't want to put it in the cmdline Other than that looks like a nice config. Anyone worked out PVE yet?
  15. @Dennis When users try and join a full server it counts as a user according to the query list. This has occurred with other games in the past. The easiest way to it, is just to disable slot checking. @nmo0ory If are you are going to run it just be aware it does use a lot of CPU and RAM. Usually a CPU core and 5GB
  16. Just went about it in a much harder way. :facepalm: oh well it works
  17. I believe the anti cheat is only needed client sided. Correct me if I am wrong
  18. I've thought about this, but what if the client changes there world slot? Say to another clients world slot? Or have you locked it so they can't?
  19. Not possible yet. I've spoken to them and they hopefully will add it soon
  20. Hi, Ensure you add the IP to the commandline. You need to use the following: -ip $[service.IpAddress]
  21. Unfortunately they haven't released the query protocol (that I can find yet), the same goes for RCON. I have however spoken to the developers on a number of occasions and suggested this to be added to future builds.
  22. For Experimental to set the server IP use: +server.ip $[service.IpAddress] You will also need to set your RCON IP & Port for Rusty to work: +rcon.ip $[service.IpAddress] +rcon.port $[service.RConPort]
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