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Everything posted by iLight

  1. you have to delete subscribed_collection_ids.txt and subscribed_file_ids.txt to get it work. And the commandline : -game csgo -console -condebug -usercon -maxplayers_override 12 +exec server.cfg -ip *******-port 27015 -tickrate 128 -authkey ******* +host_workshop_collection 128253498 +workshop_start_map 125488374 +game_mode 1 +game_type 0
  2. still nothing about starmade? A really good game to sale :/
  3. You can modify the port like this : -Xms128M -Xmx1024M -jar StarMade/StarMade.jar -server -nogui -port:4242 did not try yet for the IP address
  4. iLight


    That's why he didn't put his business email
  5. Does anyone have L4d2, bf1943 or modernwarfare 2 configs files? =) And last question, can we already download the l4d2 files from steam? Thank you =)
  6. Well everypanel I see need ICE, think that I'm gonna install it in my linux server :x
  7. I would like to know wich panel do you use to resell murmur guys =) Thank you
  8. Anyone have a mumble/murmur tca config working and possibility to add admins? Thank you =)
  9. I changed the game port, it isn't have it mem And now it works well, thank you =)
  10. what did you set up for the querry ? UT ?
  11. How to enable web admin page please? I mean the ? Someone know how to do it with TCADMIN?
  12. Can I have the install and desinstall command for the ports opening of the firewall of that game? Thx.
  13. Oh I see, the monitor port, well server is stopped by tcadmin for not responding..
  14. working well, but what do you mean about tcadmin query port ?
  15. I've got Killing Floor Servers workings
  16. Hello, how can users can download the mods? // Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps // See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions. set sv_allowdownload "1" seta sv_wwwDownload "0" //seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.your_website.com/base_folder" seta sv_wwwBaseURL "ftp://client:client@ftpfiles.myftp.org" seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" I've configured this, but when I start the server with Pam4, they can't download the mod. Thank you. Edit : The error is : Downlaod failure while getting "ftp://........../Mods//mods/pam4/pam402.iwd"
  17. Yup I've forgot a command line, my bad. Thank you
  18. Exemple : "22:08:16 set fs_game Mods/pam4 22:08:17 fs_game is write protected."
  19. Hello I'm looking for a good Call of duty 4 game config that allow users to install games mod like : pam4 or promod. Because with the actual one I have, when they setup a server they can't install mods :s
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