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  1. Plugins/Modules Links link to the incorrect destinations
  2. Hi! Did you ever manage to get your Space Engineers repeat section for mods working?

    I'm attempting to do it now, but its proving very hard!



  3. i have this cfg setup and heavily edited due to things just not working as they should including the ark remote as some of the options in the ini just arent there due to it not being updated in forever. I have attached my current Cfg but please excuse the format i have had to hack stuff together to get it to work with mods needing to be in the ini and the command line i have found that you have to add then to the ini and save then edit the command line and just hit save and that picks up the variables from the ini and adds them to the cmdline. If anyone here knows of a better way of doing this any input would be great ark - Windows.xml
  4. Hi, With all the Alphas around now and some games getting updated sometimes maybe 2 -3 times a day i was wondering if there was a way to have the servers automatically update when an update was out. and maybe even warn users if there was going to be on. I'm currently having issues with ark in this respect now there are third party tools out there that do this already however tcadmin usually restarts the sever before the update is complete from said tool. thus causing the update to fail. I have tried to increase the Query time to 600 seconds however this fails most of the time due to the times the updates come out. Would love some help trying to find a work around.
  5. if your looking for a private solution for this that works well try sesm
  6. yeah i have this also posted it on the keen forums and didn't get much of a reply apart from we thought we fixed this
  7. you can use the space engineers config and this should work fine as long as you adjust the configs to suit how ever if you are hosting solely for your clan or community you may want to search for SESM it's a dedicated setup for SE and ME
  8. beat me to it Goats was just checking to see if there was a config in the thread
  9. This is an amended work around of the config posted in this post for Mods Admins And bans these can be adding in text areas in the following fashion <unsignedLong>Mod/Admin/Ban Id</unsignedLong> it has been updated to use the config editior and has all config options am currently working on getting editor to add Mods/Bans/Admins by insert new line function using repeat section however it's proving a little tricky as it picks up every unsigned long in the config see image.
  10. i have managed to get TcAdmin to add mods Admins And Bans to new lines in their respective sections in the config how ever once saved and accessed again via the config editor i get the following http://www.clipular.com/c/5484874319265792.png?k=p3UzhA8HBMDH-GufNSAl_3uV948 it appears that all of the <unsignedLong>idhere</unsignedLong> in the file have been picked up by the repeat section of the config and they all appear the same in Mods Admins And Bans Does anyone know how this can be fixed without having to resort to adding <unsignedLong>id here</unsignedLong> into a multi line text area?
  11. Medieval Engineers will work off the Space Engineers CFG just need to adjust exe name and some variables and redo the cfg
  12. i get Column 'mod_id' does not belong to table tc_game_links. maybe latest TCA update as broke something
  13. just thought i'd shame simple config to get started empyrion - Windows.xml
  14. I used your ark .cfg and after upload i get this error. Can you help ?



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