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Everything posted by bob

  1. Bah, yet another early access game. I've had a few inquiries about this game myself. Could someone let me know if they ever fix the slot count thing, then I could put a config in production use. Thanks!
  2. I have a few requests for this, if I get it working I will post my config for linux.
  3. Hello, I just noticed that in game settings under the steam tab the force_install_dir option is missing. Is this just my setup or has this been removed for some reason?
  4. I tried to convert this config to linux dedicated server, I needed steam login to download the files, which is fine. When I try to start I just get Running (pid 0). I have also tried setting up a log file to give me an idea of what could be going wrong but nothing in the log either. Any ideas?
  5. Hi,

    Sorry only just read your message!

    I don't really use skype but feel free to add me on steam.


    Otherwise message me on here and i'll see if I can help you.



  6. Anyone have a Linux config to share please?
  7. Anyone got a config for this? Is this supposed to work with steam update?
  8. If anyone needs a working TCadmin config for linux, with custom command lines for different game modes and config files added please PM me.
  9. Hi, When I try and update TCA via the TCA Control Panel - Sytem -> updates -> Check Updates -> Install the selected update (version beta) I get Error: /home/tcadmin/Temp/Upgrade.rar is not RAR archive What's causing this? How do I fix? Thanks
  10. Thanks for your reply's guys, I have been very busy recently and only just got round to sorting this out. The above fix didn't work for me, so I had to delete /home/tcadmin/ and reinstall, but it didn't really matter anyway as I had no servers or anything on there. Thanks, Bob
  11. Yes, its a shame people aren't doing templating work for tcadmin. I'm sure people would pay at least $20 for a decent theme. Also better looking themes would make tcadmin look more appealing to potential buyers of the software, and therefore increase sales. Need to keep up with the times.
  12. Hi, I just installed remote server (already have the master server installed and working correctly) but I forgot the mysql password for the database when i set it up for the master server so i changed the database password and setup the remote server, restarted the tcadmin at end of install and now i cant access both tcadmin login pages on master and remote server. I assume this is because the master server is using the old mysql database password - how do I update the password for this and restart tcadmin? Thanks
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