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  1. Hello Ok guys in my opinion this should be a must-have feature let me explain. I developed on WHMCS a solution to support an hourly-based billing system. It works with VPS, VoIP, web hosting and, of course, gameservers. Let me take as example a web hosting. Every hour i calculate the hourly cost of each hosting account based on CPU, memory, disk, network usage and email accounts, number of databases, ftp accounts and so on. The cool part of the story is that i can allow users to "hibernate" (suspend) services so that they will only pay for disk usage. For example in the summertime, people usually play less on gameservers so, instead of being forced to pay for a service that you can't use or cancelling all services and waste time to re-order and re-configure them few months later, they simply hibernate them. In this way, as i have already said, they will only pay for disk usage and not for CPU, memory and network usage. Said that, on TCAdmin we are now able to retreive CPU, RAM and network usage of every gameserver but there's nothing about disk usage. Why don't you add this feature? You simply need to retreive the size of the main folder of every gameserver same as you retreive CPU, RAM or network usage. Thank you!
  2. 1. Create a .bat file 2. Place it in the same folder where McMyAdmin.exe is located 3. Copy/paste "McMyAdmin.exe McMyAdmin.conf" in the .bat 4. Double click Yes, it's that easy. In past (when i opened this thread) McMyAdmin + TCAdmin + Minecraft was a bit tricky to setup but now it's a question of few minutes.
  3. Hello Counter Strike Source appears as Alien Swarm on Gametracker. I checked and re-checked all files and cmd line. It's a css server for sure Uhm... bug or am i drunk?
  4. My clients can no longer see any file in Default Config file. Is it a known bug?
  5. First of all i bump myslef. Ok now let's go. I have this form. <form target="_blank" method="post" action="http://whatever/Interface/Base/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fInterface%2fBase%2fHome.aspx"> <input type="hidden" value="demo" name="USERID"> <input type="hidden" value="demo" name="PASSWORD"> <input type="submit" value="LIVE DEMO"> </form> You can login in the panel simply clicking the submit. The problem is that if you use CAPTCHA login is not possible because you are forced to enter the code. Any workaround? For example we could show CAPTCHA only after 3 consecutive login attemps.
  6. My customers keep asking for this feature. They want to be able to set (and get paid for) their own brand text.
  7. Happy new year... well at least here it's 5 AM Anyway after 2 months i want to give a new bump for this feature. As i already said TCAdmin 2.0 is perfect for resellers since they can customize everything but with the exception of brand text TCAdmin 2.0 is a really well-designed panel for resellers. I just wonder why brand text feature is missing. For many GSP brand text is crucial like public/private status and the number of slots.
  8. Purchase Call of Duty 4 - http://store.steampowered.com/app/7940/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 Call of Duty 2 - http://store.steampowered.com/app/2630/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 And upload the entire installation directory
  9. 1) I had master and remotes running v1 and v2 in the same time for over 2 months. 2) Yes, just ensure to use different ports for the panel and also for games which bind to all IPs. 3) Personally i've migrated hundreds of game and voice servers manually. It's a bit insane but if you take your time (weeks) it's fine. Don't pretend to migrate everything in 1 day or something like that. About IP/Port, as i said in 2, you can save a lot of time just recreating new game servers on new IP but you have to pay attention to games with bind IP problem (for example SA-MP, Swat4, TSS etc.) 4) No subusers atm on v2 5) I did something similar few days ago. I moved my master on a new server but i was not able to complete the operation because you have to manually edit database. I fixed this with a ticket.
  10. Yep, Minecraft but not with the classic bat + java. I used to run Minecraft with McMyAdmin panel but i can't start McMyAdmin.exe with TCAdmin. When i click i have instant "Error". The path is right, the application works properly with double click but it seems that TCAdmin doesn't even try to start since there's no error in logs. Any idea?
  11. After a long time i fixed this issue. It was a problem with extract path that is a bit different for 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (unofficial) and Exp versions of the game. My fault. You can close this thread.
  12. I don't get how to deal with special chars in cfg like ╚░☼► etc. Yeah "Use encoding options" but there's a big but. It's doesn't matter the encoding option i set when the opened cfg has been already compromised with �.
  13. No. It's un-zip/un-rar only. Maybe ticket and login credentials?
  14. There's something wrong or something that i don't get with game updates made with zip/rar files. Let's suppose that i have a structure like follows: -system -textures -havok -content Now let's say that i install an update from a zip file. In this zip there's just one file in a folder: system/something.dll. When i click install this is what i get: -system/something.dll End. The installer first deletes all files and then install itself Hem? Is there any option about file rewriting that i'm missing?
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