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Everything posted by revhosting

  1. I want to ask you to add a save time feature. "When Slots, Private Status is Modified or Branding is Removed disable the server". Everytime we are forced to re-enable it manually and ofc it can't be done in real time. You can do it only when you are online. The problem is that some customers start to spam tickets, complain, whining and even reinstalling tens of time their server because they don't read email notifications. It would be great you can change "disable" to a simple "stop" and add in the game panel a text/visual notification about it.
  2. It's totally clear but on whmcs Module Settings doesn't allow me to add role_id and package_id. You know it looks like this: It's for game/voice/teamspeak. I know that i can skip this problem by editing default_values.php but it's not so good... i mean we should be able to edit these values on the fly. p.s. btw i love the simplicity of tca2
  3. Hi Game and voice auto setups are ok. ID and go but what about reseller packages? I set the ID i can see in General settings > Reseller packages but the module keep asking me game/voice fields - datacenter, slots etc. - They're pointless for resellers. Any advice?
  4. Personally for WHMCS predefined replies and also because it's tricky to give support on different ticket systems (in case your company is more than game+voice hosting). Anyway it would be great if we can allow resellers to use TCAdmin ticket system.
  5. starting now. i'm going to update this post later
  6. I don't understand exactly what's your problem. Open Swat4DedicatedServer.ini and set: [url] Protocol=swat4 ProtocolDescription=Swat4 Protocol Name=Giocatore Map=Index.s4m LocalMap=Entry.s4m Host= Portal= MapExt=s4m EXEName=Swat4.exe SaveExt=s4s Port=11000 [b][color="red"]<---- CHANGE THIS TO MATCH WITH YOUR SERVER PORT[/color][/b] Class=SwatGame.SwatPlayer Open Service Settings and put: Server Port: 11000 Query Port: 11001 Now start your server with TCAdmin. If it does not work start it manually and give me the IP:PORT. I'll check it for you.
  7. If game port is 10480 query port will be always game port +1 so... Game Port 10480 Query Port 10481 Set +1 port in TCAdmin and it will work properly and be sure that your client don't change in Swat4DedicatedServerX.ini the query line. Same if they use 10480 and 10481 for webadmin, php server query monitor etc. There is no need to setup cmd lines.
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