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Everything posted by ViolentCrimes

  1. No I had remote and master and accidentally put the same ip in both not as the main ip as a secondary .
  2. Turns out if you have the same ip on tcadmin for 2 different server boxes it will send massive amount of connections to your mysql.
  3. Strange one of the servers is Neotokyo which uses the golden source engine which it will only query on the new one even though it is on the old old one. Also maybe instead of call it new call it (TF2 & CSS) since only TF2 CSS DODS and GMOD are on it. I will test Zombie Panic soon to see what engine it queries with but so far I haven't found one that uses that "old" one yet. Also does it not have a service for each server to auto restart is it now in one service instead of multiple?
  4. Might have figured it out. What is the difference between half-life 2 and half-life 2 new?
  5. It seems the server are not auto restarting themselves. Does version 2 support auto restart or am I missing a setting?
  6. Anyone have Debian setup as the master server? If so, are you having any issues with it keeping 100s of connections open?
  7. When you add an ip to a server it doesn't go back to the main page so you can continue to add more ips instead you have to nav. back to the page to add the next and continue on that way would be nice for it to just load back to the main ip list for the server.
  8. Can I get the config violentcrimes@convictgaming.com
  9. Anyone have a working config yet.
  10. Is there away to enable console for this game on tcadmin.
  11. Hey how much ram does minecraft use?
  12. I was wondering if someone had a MB:W config they would be willing to share.
  13. You need to install steam on the box and have it running in the background. Here is my config for it. ALIENSWARM.txt
  14. I have to say this board seem to be getting more and more hostile, like most mother's use to say if you don't have nothing nice to say shut up.
  15. http://www.moddb.com/mods/cspromod
  16. Instead of you coming in here bashing everyone looking for help why don't you spend the time update the graphics and the look of your GSP website. You seem to always have something whiny to say about everything. This forums is to help people if you don't have something productive to say shut up.
  17. No problem. It is just easier for me to use tcadmin as we have 6 server boxes.
  18. Umm I don't own a GSP. I use tcadmin for my gaming community not everyone who uses tcadmin runs a gsp.
  19. New server files. Anyone want to make config.
  20. Here is the only manual I could find. http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,93414.msg2417000.html#msg2417000
  21. The game is coming out in 4 days server files have been released. Anyone have a config yet. http://www.taleworlds.com/main.aspx?dir=download.aspx?type=2
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