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Everything posted by Mark9000

  1. Can confirm this is isolated to Aeioyoo's install as I'm not having said issue.
  2. Matt, I suggested the "Service Limit Per Game" due to abuse with reseller packages. Luis said this is something that will not be planned. Feel free to add me on Skype for proof. I know lee has me added already.
  3. Just create a steam account, It doesn't have to have games on it.
  4. ^This plus after all said and done with the upfront deposit etc. You'll most likely be in the whole for the cost of the owned license...
  5. Yes, you would need a remote license.
  6. What about if you run SteamCMD outside of TCAdmin, Does it establish the connection then?
  7. hldsupdatetool is outdated. You need to use SteamCMD now.
  8. Ticket has already been sent in. But it appears steamcmd logins (account) seem to be displayed now while running an update.
  9. I think TCAdmin v2 needs the option to display what OS the machine is running under the client's service information tab. And I'm not talking full out distro name, something rather like the display on the "Servers" page so it will just display Windows/Linux but on the clients service information. I just think it would be useful for some and not for others, but we all have our differences and preferences
  10. I've had this happen before, I cleared my browser cache etc and it fixed it for me. Also CloudCUBE, It's not just chrome as It's bonked out on me using Mozilla as well
  11. manually add to the database, That's what i did.
  12. bubka3 that ant a bad idea actually. Granted coming from a client standpoint I'd be pretty aggravated/pissed that I'd have to bz2 my own files, but it shouldn't be to hard to tell TCAdmin to only move/sync the .bz2 extensions only though. Hopefully if we keep enough pressure on this issue it will be implemented soon.
  13. run the update manually. /home/tcadmin/Monitor/updatetool 2.0.68
  14. I don't think anybody here is gonna help. COD Back Op's one is only allowed by GameServers and the 2nd game they aren't releasing the dedicated files.
  15. BF3 Server files aren't public. You need to be a ranked provider to even get your hands on those files.
  16. Here's my Garry's 13 Beta config file. Have fun! GModB - Windows.xml
  17. cd into home/tcadmin/temp and remove upgrade.rar and try again
  18. Mark9000

    SteamCMD CentOS

    I had the same issue on Centos 6.3 Download and install steam in the directory and run SteamCMD from there. It solved my issues (Same issue you are having)
  19. bubka3 has a point, Raid is your backup for YOUR clients. Mods, Maps, ETC is the clients end of the deal. If anything a backup feature which backs up Mods, Maps, Settings, ETC would be a nice feature. If anything clients should be able to run it once every 24-72 hours (Depending on how often we set the time limit at) and the zip/rar would automatically be deleted in 30-60 minutes.
  20. Your missing the restorecon file. Most likely the installation messed up when your host's panel imaged it. Re-install your OS and it will work. Always re-load the OS when you order a VPS.
  21. It would take very long to explain the steps. Here's the guide that i used. http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/MySQLDatabaseServer#Creating_a_new_database Also, If you wish to add me Via Steam if you need better help just shoot me an e-mail via the forums
  22. You can have Webmin install it, Or do it manually.
  23. Well, The way I'm currently setup is this. My VPS provider dose Daily backup's, So i also use my VPS as the offsite backup for my Website, Game Server Configuration files, Maps, Mods, ETC. The follow specs is what i have and i only pay $25 a month for my VPS. But the only thing i have installed on my VPS are Webmin MySQL TCAdmin And my VPS Specs are this. 50GB Disk 512MB Ram with 1024GB Burst 1000GB BW Centos 6.2 x64 Now, You may decided to do it that way, In the long it's worth it imo. I would re-image your Linux machine (make back ups of your site obviously) and go fresh and use your Linux machine as your web. But that's all up to you of what sounds better
  24. MySQL, is what i use on secure connection. But it's all up to personal preference.
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