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Everything posted by Munra

  1. Quick question, when using the steam update with steamcmd for an individual server, does it use the steamcmd.exe in the server dir or else were? The reason I ask is I am trying to automate my update process a little. (In a way it doesn't matter cause I could just use a steam account with steam guard turned off)
  2. Autoupdate doesn't really autoupdate (if it still works) It still requires a manual restart I believe and then downloads the update before restarting. You can use this plugin to restart the server but beware it will bog down tcadmin having to restart every server at the same time.
  3. Delete me please My error Sorry
  4. Sorry to beat I a dead horse but this feature is very important I notice that your already store version number on tc_game_service_live_stats, at least for source games. So this should be trivial to do. Alteast add some type of api call to force a steam update or better yet creating a steam update file.
  5. I am now having an issue with McMyadmin Version 2, As anyone gotten it to work? Its like its having permission issues 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.4 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Loading properties 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Starting Minecraft server on xxx.xxx.xxx.x:25565 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] Failed to save ban list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: banned-players.txt (Access is denied) 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] Failed to save ip ban list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: banned-ips.txt (Access is denied) 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] Failed to save operators list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ops.txt (Access is denied) 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] Failed to save white-list: java.io.FileNotFoundException: white-list.txt (Access is denied) 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Preparing level "onetwo" 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [iNFO] Default game type: 0 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: (Access is denied) 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: to check session lock, aborting 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: [sEVERE] Unexpected exception 4:51:34 PM CONSOLE: to check session lock, aborting
  6. You don't You have TCadmin check the server version number against the steam API. which is why I provided a link in my first post.
  7. Is there is scripting functions or api calls that would start a server update or better yet start a batch command.
  8. ya it would, now that you can do batch updates, using the steamapi to trigger it automatically create a batch file would be awesome.
  9. With the TF2 Update last night I had issues doing the batch update. It wouldn't shut down all the servers. I am running 10 TF2 servers and it only shut down 2 for 10 minutes and never restarted them or shut down any other servers.
  10. You can't just install it to the server. You maybe able to make a new game and run it as a separate service. If you have Remote desktop you can try using this tool. http://wiki.hlxce.com/wiki/HLXCEServ I been using it for about a year now.
  11. Have you given this any more thought? This by far the most important feature missing from TCadmin, this and batch updates.
  12. I am not a GSP but I still hope you would consider this feature. I think for people using TCadmin as a Way to manage servers for a community an autoupdate feature for steam games would be great. It can also be done with the steam api Example. http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/UpToDateCheck/v0001/?appid=440&version= Or instead of making it update servers individually it would create an batch update automatically. Then we can apply it to the servers. Thanks
  13. I can do this on Windows fine I use the command line C:\TCAFiles\Users\Biggs\13\McMyAdmin.exe -reserveDNS
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