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Everything posted by CobbyJUK

  1. yeah found that now, any idea why it doesnt show in the public list but does in favorite, and some people run it from desktop it will show but wont when ran by tcadmin. does anyone have a decent server.cfg?
  2. any one know how to have server tags, and some people cant see the server from the public browser works on the favorites bit
  3. hopfully will work with tcav2 and they can do a update for it
  4. ahh i see, iv acounted for them in the config, im having issues with the linux version so far
  5. ok, here is the windows config, will make the linux config as well. please note i have added the 2 slot extra on the Additional Allowed: slots in the query detection. if anyone has anything else to add please let me know CSGO - Windows.xml
  6. ohh forgot to add i willl add it here when done.
  7. im making one now, i have one issue at the moment, the max player if i set it to 16 it goes to 18 on the game, there must be something like tv slots or somthing? any ideas anyone?
  8. i managed to buy a cheap one from http://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/ not sure if im allowed to post that, if not just blank it out.
  9. any one be kind enough to give me csgo beta key gift?
  10. make you a deal ben if you send me the file i will make a tca v2 config for it?
  11. been trying to get a CSGO beta key for ages, any recomendations on how to get one, iv filled in surveys, forms everything, and still no luck.
  12. has to be set in the config file not the command line this my server.cfg Server.Name $[HostName] Server.MOTD Welcome to Immortal-Servers.com Dedicated Server! Rcon.Password $[RConPassword] MapRotation.AddMap "QUARRY" TDM tl=20 sl=50 MapRotation.AddMap "KREUZBERG" TDM tl=20 sl=50 MapRotation.AddMap "ST. OLIBARTUS CHURCH" TDM tl=20 sl=50 server.gameport $[service.GamePort] Server.updateport $[service.QueryPort] server.lobbyport $[service.RConPort] server.authport $[service.CustomPort1] Settings.maxplayers $[service.Slots] Lobby.Password $[PrivatePassword] Settings.WarmupTime 5 Settings.AimAssist 0 Settings.BulletCam 0 Settings.BulletDrop 1 Settings.FriendlyFire 1 Settings.Items 1 Settings.ShowPlayersKiller 0 Settings.OneShotKills 1 Settings.Pistols 1 Settings.SMGs 0 Settings.SniperRifles 1 Settings.SniperScopeGlint 0 Settings.Tagging 0 Settings.WindStrength 2 Settings.ZoomOutToReload 1 Server.Host
  13. have you got the hldsupdatetool name for csgo to download the server?
  14. it wont work with the hlupdatetool, but will do with the link i gave on the first page. thats the full files.
  15. works fine on mine. that config and thouse files works perfect.
  16. when i tried to download it via steam it only downloaded a few files.
  17. its a UK server, i can download on max speed on it.
  18. no i dont, i only use tca v2.
  19. here you go. http://redirect.immortal-servers.com:8000/SEV2.zip Its on a 1gb server so should download fast.
  20. yeah they are, i will add them publicy
  21. Here is a Sniper Elite v2 config, fully working. if you want the files please contact me. Regards Cobby SEV2 - Windows.xml
  22. alot of other Game Panels and independent ones have this, if someone isnt happy or there connection changes and wants to try a new location be great if they can choose where. or if you have a new location and they want to try it out. be good if you could like have a select box for each game to select what location it can move to.
  23. It would be great for a user option so users can move there game server to anouther datacenter, would save me so much time.
  24. iv seen some companys already offer CS:GO servers, whats the hlds game id? or does anyone have the files they can send me or share, as soon as i get them, i will share them out.
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