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Everything posted by KevinJ

  1. Is there a way to run it without being logged in to the GUI with steam running? I was thinking of having a TCAdmin service that starts up Steam, but would it be able to login? Or is there a better way?
  2. Yeah that's weird I read that as well. Seems like you have to buy the game to have access to the server tool, so I just log on with my personal account and download it, then run it once, logout and switch to a user with no games and it works.
  3. Having to have a steam account logged in + tcadmin makes this a bit tricky. I guess make a TCAdmin game for steam? But how to login then?
  4. I was unable to get it working as well, was the config file removed from this thread?
  5. I can get this working no problem from the command line, but the moment I try to get it going through TCAdmin it creates a constant stream of error dumps. Does it have something to do with the Steam.exe in there, and the random user TCAdmin uses?
  6. Hello Monk,

    Someone on the forums said you had a module that would pull all the servers from TCAdmin and put it into HLSW. I was very interested in this.

    Thank You,


  7. I have Quake 3 Arena and Team Arena on steam. How exactly do I run the Quake 3 Server? I get a "failed to find steam" even with steam running
  8. Anyone have a config for this? http://www.playbrains.com/babo/bi_downloads.php#images/downloads/wallpaper/
  9. I'm letting them use their mysql on their website, makes it pretty "easy". So you need to have a python service and a b3 service in tcadmin? Right now I got b3 as a secondary service for their cod4. I'd love to see your script or config that you used to get it working.
  10. Yes, it boots up fine just not as a service or via tcadmin.
  11. Tried your suggestion DougK94, but still no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though. Feltz, it shows as running under services, but it does not actually run the program. I can double click on the same file that the service runs, the start.bat file, and it runs fine. I also tried your way HIS-MOTHER and still nothing. I also had a thought of editing the registry and making the TCAdmin service point to the .py file instead of the bat? I also added my path to python to my system path under System properties.
  12. I've tried 3 seperate simple bat files: start b3.py b3.py python b3.py They all work when I double click on them, but not when TCAdmin runs them. I've tried letting them interact with desktop but still nothing.
  13. Hello, anyone have any luck getting B3 to work with TCAdmin? I've got it working, but currently I have no way of getting TCAdmin to control it. My main problem is it's a .py file that has to be ran, so I get: Application is not an executable. Thanks in advance
  14. Is there a bf2 config for TCAdminw without bf2cc? The one that comes with TCAdmin has a blank command line.
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