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Everything posted by tbrown7552

  1. I just updated to the latest tcadmin as well as updated this. I cant run any of the newer versions that require Java 21. Just says StartError. Older versions are fine. Any ideas? Edit: What fixed my issue is going to More on the server page and then doing Download or update Adoptium on your server.
  2. I used the Update server function in TCA and clicked on latest stable and the server refused to come back up after downloading the .jar. I instead replaced the minecraft_server.jar with one that i generated with my client. Still the same. Server refused to start or it will say running with PID 0 and give me query failed alerts. Generated a new minecraft_server.jar on version 1.16.5 from my client and FTP in and replaced the file and it works normally. This is with a default install of TCAdmin so its the CFG that came with it.
  3. I am looking for this as well.
  4. I didnt say that TCAdmin would solve your problems that your having. I said using it would make your life alot easier plus you would have the Tcadmin community as a resource for help. I would bet you someone here could help you get it working.
  5. The server isnt up to date. Its looking at the version and it wants 11610 to authenticate. Its returning 11511 and denying.
  6. how do you have the steam api read the server and check the version?
  7. you have the change settings for each map within the gamemodes.txt to allow 30 slots.
  8. Im pretty sure you can do this yourself. What all did the update break? someone told me it deleted their server.cfg file. Also saw the changelog that they added tickrate to the command line and seen that servers are now default as 64 tick.
  9. You have to be in the beta to download the server files.
  10. ok its a known issue at this point. Will post up if i find out anything.
  11. Because the server browser has bugs. This is a known issue. Its not on your end. Id assume sv_region is set right? 0 US - East 1 US - West 2 South America 3 Europe 4 Asia 5 Australia 6 Middle East 7 Africa 255 World (default)
  12. It looks like SteamCMD is the future. All games will be migrated over from hldsupdatetool and hldsupdatetool will dissolve.
  13. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers#Scripting_SteamCmd Im sure this is to keep people not in the beta from getting it. Once the game ships it will be on hldsupdatetool.
  14. It is not on HLDSUpdateTool yet. You must have an account with the beta to attain the server files. Even if the server files are leaked you have to have an account with the beta to update the server.
  15. There is still a server.cfg and it is still used. The Game Modes file is just takes priority over it now. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers#Advanced_Configuration
  16. The server files are out but only to those who have the beta. Anyone working on a CFG yet? Or do i need to rent a dedicated server and tcadmin for 1 month?
  17. The TCA config will be easy. I can modify the CSS one right now to work. You will have to wait for the server files though.
  18. Has anyone checked to see if servers have an update?
  19. even if it was legal it would take to much time to maintain and keep up to date
  20. Id let them work more of the bugs out before id try and run it. CPU and Memory Load is also to high right now.
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