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Everything posted by steam.roy

  1. apart from sub users as per v1. It would be nice if a user could link other user account to have access to there servers. So a user can have both there own servers and limited access to linked services. What are your current plans on users/subusers? Thanks
  2. It would be nice if we could interface with terminal. IE. In css it prints out lines and allows input for commands, allowing us to read the outputted strings and maybe letting us run commands back into that terminal would save me a great deal of time.
  3. It would be great for games such as source games, that we could check actual fps rate compared to the set one in the command line. To see if the user overrides there fps rate by another means.
  4. Resolved: There was a security piece of software that was limiting tcadmin’s access to the C drive. Removed and it all worked.
  5. What support is there going to be for us to add our own pages? Are we going to be able to add them to the menu? Are we going to be able to code a full theme, just not CSS, HtmlHeader, HtmlFooter? Or even have the html header & footer load from files, so we have our own code in them? What is App_Theme? What is it used for? Thanks
  6. Sounds good, i ended up coding done for v1 that would backup to remote ftp server expect for the files listed in a backupException.ini and allow users to download there backups. While it was very limited and only used in our dev environment.
  7. Hello, A) What are the plans for scripting in version 2? Include the following: 1. How is the SDK changing (ie. any changes in the big picture of the sdk)? 2. Is there going to support for login then redirect to another page (maybe something like http://docs.whmcs.com/AutoAuth but for tcadmin2)? 3. Are we going to be allowed to code a override on some of the TCAdmin modules? 4. What is the way that you are looking at for allowing us to add our own modules? ie. Widget, menus etcs 5. Are we going to be able to change what renders on a page? B) What was the reason for the naming style on ControlPanel/bin/APP_WEB_% App_Web_2ea1er4q.dll ASP.interface_base_usercontrols_grid_gridcolumns_servicemanager_ascx ASP.interface_base_usercontrols_grid_gridcolumns_servicestatus_ascx ASP.interface_base_usercontrols_grid_gridcolumns_slowbind_ascx App_Web_7txcfhme.dll ASP.interface_gamehosting_creategame_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_creategameconfigfile_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_creategamecustomvariable_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_creategamekey_aspx ?. AND SO ON? ASP.interface_gamehosting_voiceservers_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_uservoiceservers_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_usergameservers_aspx ASP.interface_gamehosting_updateservices_aspx I can not see the link between the name and what is inside them. C) What would people like to do in the scripting space for tcadmin2? Thanks
  8. Hey all, Very dumb question, but can not find it quickly (must be blind ). How do i set up game servers on a selected server in version 2? ATM, when i try and create a game service i get: There are no game servers available on the selected server. Thanks
  9. What browser are you using on windows? Check your firefox settings, ie proxy. What ip and port are you getting to it via windows? Try getting to via default port for (8891) Are you viewing the Linux server via windows browser or are you got another server running on windows? Thanks
  10. Hello all, If anyone is using the newest version of mysql with tcadmin 2, you mostly came across this. Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 7 You will need to change 'TYPE=MyISAM'TYPE=MyISAM' to 'ENGINE=MyISAM'TYPE=MyISAM', in every area that it is in the sql. You can also find the attached dump, if you do not want to do it your self. Hope this helps ppl. MySQL.txt
  11. Is there anyway of getting this is script to run a console application and get the output given back to the user? Thanks, Roy
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