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Everything posted by tmyrdal

  1. Do you know how I can get my Conan Exiles server to use mysql insted of the defualt one ?

  2. Yes it have the IIRC installed yes, as I can see anyway, but is it any good download to have this check if its correct and working?
  3. I have tryed but dont work, Im not sure whats wrong with it hmm...
  4. Is it anny config chacnes that need to be done to have all grids up ? You say you have 10 x 10 is that the full one ? I like to create one that have it all to test out on, what most I do then ?
  5. Dont work, the Conan server do not shutdown in a normal way. Can see in the logg that noting is happend wbfore the server goes offline and I see that some things on the server will not be saved. Lets say if you write something on a "sign" then that txt is not saved when we stop the server on normal tcadmin way. But if I write /shutdown inside the game the server will shutdown on the normal way. But I cant manage to have tcadmin to do the same. I can provide a logg of normal good way when the server shutdown and the log from the normal tcadmin way, I can give you that so you can see. I can also give you access to my tcadmin if you can help out np ?
  6. numpty, how do you enter that script Im new to this script stuff, where can I enter inn that script ?
  7. I have noticed if lets say if you do some stuff inside the game, and when you stop the server, then Tcadmin do not stop the server on a humain way, if you let say if you write something on a sign inside the game the text is not saved before the server is shutdown on a proper way. As I can see in the logs on the server the server is saving some stuff if you shutdown the server on a humain way but if you click stop in the tcadmin controlpanel then the shutdown will happend witouth the game saving things, so I wondering is it a way to get tcadmin to shutdown the server in a humain and normal way ? as if I do a /shutdown inside the game in comman aera it works and the shutdown is normal. Is it any way we can make a command that tcadmin is using when we click stop in the controlpanel ?
  8. I have noticed if lets say if you do some stuff inside the game, and when you stop the server, then Tcadmin do not stop the server on a humain way, if you let say if you write something on a sign inside the game the text is not saved before the server is shutdown on a proper way. As I can see in the logs on the server the server is saving some stuff if you shutdown the server on a humain way but if you click stop in the tcadmin controlpanel then the shutdown will happend witouth the game saving things, so I wondering is it a way to get tcadmin to shutdown the server in a humain and normal way ? as if I do a /shutdown inside the game in comman aera it works and the shutdown is normal. Is it any way we can make a command that tcadmin is using when we click stop in the controlpanel ?
  9. I have noticed if lets say if you do some stuff inside the game, and when you stop the server, then Tcadmin do not stop the server on a humain way, if you let say if you write something on a sign inside the game the text is not saved before the server is shutdown on a proper way. As I can see in the logs on the server the server is saving some stuff if you shutdown the server on a humain way but if you click stop in the tcadmin controlpanel then the shutdown will happend witouth the game saving things, so I wondering is it a way to get tcadmin to shutdown the server in a humain and normal way ? as if I do a /shutdown inside the game in comman aera it works and the shutdown is normal. Is it any way we can make a command that tcadmin is using when we click stop in the controlpanel ?
  10. How did you resolve this m8 ? Will have been cool if you share the sulusion I will have benn verry happy as I also have the same problem.
  11. Hei du, ? lurte p? har du tilfeldigvis linux configen til tcadmin 2 av ARK Survival Evolved, ? har pr?vd i mange dager n? og f?r ikke det til p? grunn av at ? har en linux server. Hadde v?rt kult om du hadde linux configen, ? er vilig til ? betale litt for den ogs? vis du vil. ? ? kompisene mine skal lage oss en egen server men har ikke linux config filen til tcadmin.

  12. Anyone that can share the Linux config file ?
  13. I tryd this but it dosent work. I so much whant to have tcadmin control panel on the defualt port 80, so people dpnt need to add port nr to the url.
  14. Anyone know a good config that works correct in tcadmin Linux gett ? Its alot of info anf roums about this but nothing on how to have it a good config in tcadmin. I havent found that, I found alot of good info but nothing that make a linux tcadmin work good. Been reading about this for almost 1 month now, but still noone have a great linux version of the config for tcadmin.
  15. Is it a Danish versjon out there some where ?
  16. What is the info inside eaths of them, as that Picture dont say anything if you need to create 2 game servers in the tcadmin "Games & Other Voice Serves" section, if the 2 most have 2 difrent "Game ID"s so whmcs is using 2 difrent game id's to seperate they 2 ?
  17. Im also having strange problem, I cant start more then one csgo server at a time. When I create the 2nd server in tcadmin then it wil not start.
  18. Im wondering of the same, dam that noone from Valve are here and answer us.
  19. I have trasnfered them in the old way, the manualy metode. Copy and past all profile data. And paste it in a new one. So the I have manage to do it now. But a tip, it will have been great to have a export and import feature in to the tcadmin software. Will make it more easily for us that have many costumers that need to be moved or copyed to a new system or other things allot simpler.
  20. Sorry it is nowhere it says Move anywhere only "Suspend user", "Suspend All" and "Delete" its nowhere it says Move.
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