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marcelokruk's Achievements

Conversation Superstar

Conversation Superstar (5/8)



  1. Excelent!, from where i can download the update for the whmcs module?
  2. When you delete a game server it's not possible to recover it.
  3. I like more the full-colored windows! can you give the link to the icons?
  4. Really nice icons it gives the panel a fresh look!
  5. Select a value for the datacenter option in the whmcs product. When you update the product sometimes it turns that value to default
  6. MariaDB is the successor of MySQL so is basically the same
  7. Try sending a support ticket directly Luis might have a solution for this
  8. What version of tcadmin are you using?
  9. What's the benefit of using MCMyAdmin with tcadmin?
  10. Follow this steps: https://goo.gl/sFoaO1
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