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  1. Sorry for the lack of feedback lately Kevin, We're restructuring a portion of the network and have taken the v2 master offline temporarily. We'll have everything up shortly and will resume testing.
  2. Hehe. How about the "U giys suk!" language file? I've been petitioning WHMCS to include something like this in they're software so we can read some of the support tickets coming in
  3. Sounds good. I like the way that's setup, Makes things much easier!
  4. Hello, To transfer the master over to a new machine I'm guessing due to the modular nature it could just be zipped up and moved to the new server? Or is there anything else needed to be done? Thanks!
  5. Considering 99% of the GSP's using the panel change the image anyway I wouldn't consider it an issue.
  6. Got it, Thanks. I noticed another problem in the "Create a custom variable" module. After you create a var and choose save it stays on that screen so you have to either hit "Back" twice or use the menu to bring you back to create another variable. In v1 there was a back button so I'm not sure what needs to be looked at there. BTW. It's much easier working with v2's config editor especially being able to drag/drop items on the list versus hitting the up/down button.
  7. Quick question, Is it possible to create custom config variables in v2? Does it work like v1 where the var is inserted in the template or? Also, It might be a bug or something else but when in the config template screen if you click the "preview" tab then try to return to the template screen by clicking the "template" tab again the module goes blank except for a small > icon.
  8. Just wanted to let you know installing new updates overwrites custom images. IE: Logo.jpg
  9. After unchecking a setting on the game server config page I'm showing a "Loading" icon and stalled. I unchecked "Can be used as game template"
  10. I'd like to see something like this also. Some type of real-time session monitor would be helpful without having to drill down through menus to see.
  11. We haven't had any problems installing the updates.. Odd
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