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Everything posted by CloudCUBE

  1. tcadmins billing api will say successful if the command has been received and gotten a response.
  2. Good work Luis, really like the news feature and the force read option! Thanks for implementing it.
  3. try using anonymous. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD make sure you update your configuration as the folder structure has changed.
  4. You can fetch this data from tc_game_service_live_stats table in the database. http://help.tcadmin.com/Live_Stats
  5. Have a required field then users can't execute without entering data.
  6. Hi, I've addressed this problem to Luis a week ago. He rolled out a fix for me. Update manually to http://help.tcadmin.com/Updating#Manual_Update
  7. I don't see what is wrong with the current platform. If users are novice to use the webconsole then there is a high chance they're aware of how to retreive the cvars.
  8. Luis is the Developer. Explain your situation to him through a support ticket and see what he can do.
  9. I have been in this situation before. But never moved masters. If you ask kindly Luis might allow you to have a remote license for a few days allowing you to install TCAdmin as a slave on your new server and then use the TCAdmin move feature to move all services over for you. After this is done change your configuration so the remote becomes your new master and you should be good to go.
  10. use del /s /q directory\example.file rmdir /s /q directory\example Run the script as an icon and then run it and see the error that comes up.
  11. Not too sure about Linux but i think it will be in the "ConfigUtility.config" file in the same directory as the monitor.
  12. http://didrole.com/tickrate_enabler/ i will also add 100 tick for 30 players won't hold. so its pointless really.
  13. If you have access to the database you should be able to change the password in there.
  14. Have you moved TF2 to steamcmd?
  15. Hit me up on Skype and ill take a look for you
  16. When you start the server using the same commandline out of tcadmin does it work? you'll need to edit the default_values.php file or make a custom minecraft.php file and include the default_values.php file and use the Xmx and Xms cvars.
  17. Can you confirm this happens on other webkit browsers or just chrome?
  18. Download and Install VisualSVN on your master. I will note this also works well for remotes too. This method saves Bandwidth as the updates are pulled locally from the client instead of externally each time. It also improves the time it takes to download for the client. Use this script and set the action to a custom icon. @echo off rmdir /s /q "C:/TCAFiles/Users/%ThisUser_UserName%/%ThisService_ServiceId%/.svn/" "C:/modules/svn/svn.exe" --username "USERNAME" --password "PASSWORD" --force checkout "http://VISUALSVNURL:PORT/svn/gmod/trunk/%ThisService_SvnName%" "C:/TCAFiles/Users/%ThisUser_UserName%/%ThisService_ServiceId%/" This is for Windows. This script will tell VisualSVN (client side) to pull the files from the master SVN server. You'll also need a variable with a custom list. To save time i will upload the config for you. You will still need to configure it to your setup. GMod - Windows (1).xml
  19. no you cannot. the only event for anything regarding an update is for the 'after steam update' event. which doesn't work for games such as Minecraft.
  20. TCAdmin allows scripting with a mod install, but can you allow scripting for updates too. As its useful to delete older files that are no longer nessasary. I'm sure it won't be hard to implement as it's already in the software.
  21. why would you use tcadmin for this? theres plenty of solutions out there for things like this and if you have '100's of servers' i'm sure it's within budget. http://www.serverdensity.com/ http://copperegg.com/
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