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Everything posted by CloudCUBE

  1. What problems are you having? We had no issues
  2. just change orangebox to css in the config if you're referring to 'current' css config
  3. If it's not getting used it's not going to really put a strain on CPU cycles and ram.
  4. Hi, I'd just like to request one core feature missing from V2 that i think is necessary for it to compete with other popular Minecraft panels. http://www.mcmyadmin.com/Tour.aspx < this seems like the best way to describe whats needed. a permissions.yml builder, unfortunately alot of people don't understand how this works and i want to keep support tickets to a minimum. is there anyway you can integrate the syntax highlighting for the file into the configuration editor with values they can insert into it? this isn't a default file that comes with Minecraft its a bukkit feature, bukkit is used by all of our clients. i will attach a .yml file so you can see for yourself. http://u.filepak.com/fMBE_permissions.yml
  5. According to Luis and Kevin - V1 features will slowly be added back into V2, remember guys its a beta.
  6. we just changed orangebox to css and applied the updates - and adjusted the configuration files accordingly. a little annoying, but what are you gonna do
  7. yes, just forward tcadmin.mydomain.tld to the IP the panel is running on, this will work if you're using port 80
  8. check the tcadmin console for any errors, make sure debug mode is on too. - does it say Module Service Created when you created the product or does WHMCS have problems contacting tcadmin
  9. tcadmin will do this with the information whmcs hands to it with the order, make sure you have your mailserver setup correctly with tcadmin
  10. ok, i will base my example off CSS goto (Setup > Configurable Options) click create a new group and name it CSS Pub (do not assign it to any product yet) once you've done that click 'Add a new configurable option) once there type 'Slots' into the name field and then follow from my screenshot http://cloudcube.com.au/staff/spr0gs/2011-10-04_0841.png once that's done close and make another new configurable option and name it 'Location' and put in the datacentre id and server name http://cloudcube.com.au/staff/spr0gs/2011-10-04_0842.png once done you should see something like this http://cloudcube.com.au/staff/spr0gs/2011-10-04_0843.png ignore branding etc i'm just showing you the basics, in the list select the product you've made and then click save changes. now go back to your product and see if those dropdown boxes work, you should be able to select Slots and Location. hope that helps
  11. you need to set the configurable options, read the manual that comes with the module
  12. just enter default_values.php
  13. after using V2 for a good few weeks its grown on me, the changes are only for the better and my clients are LOVING it.
  14. follow this - http://help.tcadmin.com/Mono
  15. check to see if mono is running with ps -u username
  16. just write a batch file to update them and run it every day
  17. Ah yes! Been waiting for this - V1s style is a lot nicer than V2 in my opinion, front end isn't everything, but it still counts and it's been the only reason so far for me holding off on v2. http://i.imgur.com/1Yczf.png
  18. SubUsers is needed, badly. Better Minecraft Support - we're moving our systems over to v2 hopefully soon, does v2 support graphing for memory usage on Minecraft, in v1 it works for srcds games but not for minecraft. Cheers
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