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  1. mox


    Anyone wanting to use this Rust - Linux config may. I've been keeping it updated to the latest build of rust. It also has oxide prebuilt into it for easy one-click installs. Made it so you can add custom maps into the command line and also started adding a few mods into the backend for auto install. Rust - Linux.xml
  2. Do you need this for windows or linux?
  3. If you need any help with getting it to work. You can add my skype mox509 I can try to help you out the best I can.
  4. wilmeryu, There is already a windows config working for this game. here is a direct link to the post. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=11994
  5. Ark config for what OS?
  6. Thanks for the upload!
  7. You need to use Java 7 for Tekkit as 8 has issues running it.
  8. you got a point but someone asked me to make a tcadmin game config just for the tekkit and he didn't want to use the mod manager.
  9. Hey all i made a Minecraft Tekkit config for both windows and Linux. you must download the Tekkit Server files http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/tekkitmain/Tekkit_Server_v1.2.9e.zip and make a folder in your TCAFiles\Games called Tekkit and drag and drop all the files inside Tekkit_Server_v1.2.9e.zip into the Tekkit folder. If you have any questions just ask in this thread i will try to answer them. Tekkit - Windows.xml Tekkit - Linux.xml
  10. Thanks for the upload man. this worked out great
  11. mox

    Hey add me on skype: mox509 so we can talk about tcadmin configs maybe you can help me out :D

  12. bump. anyone got a tcadmin config for this game? i want run it for my community.
  13. Anyone got a config for Lead and Gold? i'd love for someone to share it
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