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Everything posted by FluX

  1. EDITED: Turns out, I have found the problem. Seems to be that the region was not set within the configuration file so it didn't know where it was located. This has seemed to of fixed it all.
  2. So it seems like I can't get this to work for some reason. I'm even tried the windows configuration uploaded above (linked on page 2) but even now, I still can not get the server to show in the browser list. I have tried to manually start the server (through a bat file) and I even tried testing consistently with different settings. I even tried to manually join the server through the console. Nothing is happening at all. Any advice from people who got it working or may have countered this problem?
  3. Thanks for this guys. I ended up using TF2 as a base model and edited from there (didn't realise there was 3 pages on this thread so I only had read the first page). Thanks anyway
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