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Everything posted by NothinG

  1. http://tactical-gameservers.com/tcadmin/index.php?download=BRINK.txt Some stats/information when we last tried to do Brink. I'm not sure if they patched it by now. http://tactical-gameservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=98
  2. I found disabling Game Compatibility and adding a Custom Port 3 for net_authPort worked. I also had to force all MW3 servers to a single IP because one of the ports is using (all of the IP's allotted to that server). 65k port range, we really aren't upset...just had to rearrange some port ranges for specific games. Here is my new CMD line with everything modified (as defined above). +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_queryPort %serverport% +set net_masterServerPort %customport2% +set net_port %customport1% +set net_authPort %customport3% +set sv_config server.cfg +set sv_maxclients %slots% +set sv_maxplayers %slots% +start_map_rotate Enjoy!
  3. So the only difference in v2 configs being preferred over v1 configs is? Also, can there be a way to mass-import configs? Would be awesome to see in v1 as well.
  4. Yes. There are a few configurations I need to change, but I would have to re-install TCAdmin on the remote server.
  5. I've noticed that after you upload a TCAdmin config for the remotes that it changes the ports (yes, I'm fine with the ports) but the webpage shows a Bad Request (Invalid host). Is there a way we can have a Login page so we can re-upload a new config?
  6. I have updated to 2.0.23 and am still having this problem. Just tried with a Counter-Strike Source (Linux) install. [Edit]: Just noticed I updated my Master before I added my Remote. Would it be possible to add a feature to update the remotes separately?
  7. I know this is in v1 ( http://_website_/Templates/Default/file_servers.aspx ). I believe there is an option for the master server to share the game files, but I was hoping there could be a way to get the gamefiles from an FTP Server/Fileserver.
  8. Mine was working with TCAdmin but that new patched screwed everything up for me. Going to have to debug and find out what broke what.
  9. Change your spawnServer to: spawnServer mp/aquarium Problem with this is: We can dedicate CPU to Brink, but that gets very costly very fast. Maybe there is a problem with HiJack being turned on?
  10. Original Post: http://tactical-gameservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=98#p264 [simple]: The reason behind us not being able to sell brink (well, not openly yet) is because it is killing our servers. What we mean by that is; we noticed a large portion of our server is being used up. With Brink taking up the whole server, we are unable to sell Brink to other people, much less any other games on that server. [Teched up]: The reason behind us not being able to sell brink (well, not openly yet) is because it is a server intensive hog. What we mean by that is; we noticed a large portion of the server is being taken up by a single instance of the game. Take the price of a single CPU (if we were to price the game based on $0.99/slot) an 8 slot server would cost $7.92. Not to bad if we host 15-20 servers, but the fact that we can't host any other games or even let games idle is why we would have to charge the user per-CPU usage. We could charge about $50/cpu ( taking a look at this quick mockup of a graph I (derrick1123) made here you can see how expensive it would get ). That is taking into consideration that we wouldn't overload the servers. Which is another reason why we are choosing not to sell Brink at this time. [To The Developers of Brink]: Please, if you want this game to be more popular than it is; help GSP's get this problem fixed. Any questions or comments, please reply bellow. -Derrick NB: If you would like to check out what we mean, try to get in this server popular NB2: (we only have one for demonstration purposes).
  11. Can you post your log file? Mine posting your cmd line as well?
  12. net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" ^set that to your IP. Does it give you any errors? Also, can you post your log and command line?
  13. The connection to game session has been lost. Maybe you have conflicting ports?
  14. Mind posting your server.cfg and command line?
  15. Is anyone else still having CPU issues? I'm at server version 2 right now. +set exec_maxThreads 2 4core CPU, 16GB Ram. Moving to bigger boxes soon, but seriously with 8 people (2 servers maxed out) it just kills the whole box. Just wondering if there is a fix or a setting that needs to be changed.
  16. I'm having this same issue. I've got all my ports set and the server shows it using the ports, yet GameTracker wont pick it up.
  17. What did you put in your server.cfg? I'm having problems pushing spawnServer mp/aquarium.entities.
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