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Everything posted by Molten

  1. No worries, Just so you know its well documented on tripwire forums. http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=57435 I just had not thought of that first when i looked, its something that you only need to run once to get the server running. Glad i could help out with your issues gary.
  2. Hi Gary, What windows version are you running? Do you have .net framework fully updated? If you would like me to come have a look email me: nicklea (at) moltenhosting(dot)net.au and i will come have a look or help you where i can.
  3. Ill try answer what i can from my experience. MW3 if it does not start the first time it will be because its got an error on its console, rebooting the game instance works for most. Problem with mw3 is that its new and they didnt give really too much info on dedicated servers from relase, if you read the MW3 threads you will see both v1 and v2 had long discussions over getting it working on tcadmin, it took almost a week to sort out most of the bugs. Further more for debugging i setup a new box for just mw3 so i could watch the console, if you have access to your machine go in and watch the startup to see where it is breaking. RO2, if you are having issues with the startup on ro2 for a fresh game then you must have some settings wrong, i have never had an issue with RO2 and Tcadmin, its very simple to setup. Ive attached my RO2 config for you gary let me know if that helps you out. TCadmin2 is still in beta otherwise LCA and ECF would say otherwise, remember all beta's have bugs. Red Orchestra 2 - Windows.xml
  4. We swapped from another game control panel to tcadmin and started it with beta, never looked back its nice and stable bar a few minor bugs that pop up but most are fixed within a few days with a patch. If you have a large customer base you would be best running a trial with it for a few days / weeks before upgrading just to make sure its working as you intend.
  5. I can confirm you can have servers on multiple ip's per box.
  6. My servers are showing up fine, it takes a few mins (upto 10) for the steam master server to see your servers so give it time. I have 3 servers on 1 ip right now all showing up fine and running perfect.
  7. +1 This seems to work with 100 Thanks Lane
  8. during your first download with hlds you will get around 6-10gb of files, run the updater again and it will grab all the missing files. It done this to me aswell. @zelatech thanks for the config, ill test it out today and see how it goes
  9. I know, its not cost effective either, it only drives the prices up higher when they should be really going down. Given that its only been out for almost 2 days now i will give it a few more days before going to drastic options of loading up 30 ip's to the box.
  10. only fix ive found is to put more ip's onto the box and just load each one onto an ip.
  11. I was about to post that its not working I am unsure as to what else to try with it, maybe someone else has some ideas?
  12. Yea thats what i found also, ran fine from a standalone, but TCadmin cannot define two servers. Ill keep playing with it and if i find anything at all ill update you.
  13. Thanks, if i need more ip's per server then i suppose i will have to add more.
  14. Tried and tested, i can start 1 server on one set of ports, but as soon as i install a second server for the same ip the first server cannot be query but the second can, if i stop the second server the first comes back online :S Not really understanding this whole ports issue right now. Your config works well, i shall keep testing these servers now.
  15. @zelatech config works fine, but i cant seem to get it to query the server right now, and its not showing up on the master server lists, steam.dll added to the files and all. Ill do some more testing with it
  16. Thank you. I will test it now and see how it goes
  17. I dont think they have released any linux binaries as of yet.
  18. There was a TCAv1 config posted not long ago by Peace, you can give that a try, im also testing it will know if it works soon. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showpost.php?p=61557&postcount=119
  19. anyone get servers to run on any ports other then the defaults? Also cant get it to run with TCAdmin2 right now.
  20. Changed it from redorchestra2beta to redorchestra2?
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