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Everything posted by greatman

  1. Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/minecraft/server/mod_NetherOres : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 That says it can't run on Java6
  2. There was a module for that ( http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=9117 ) but it's no more available on their website. Ill gladly create the module if there was some guide on basic API.
  3. I just hope they don't do it that you need a impossible license to get to host a ranked server like EA.
  4. Yeah the idea is mostly for that.
  5. Well they need a way to get their backup. Through the FTP was just a idea.
  6. Hello! Some of my clients asked for a backup feature. We had that on our old panel (Multicraft). Basicly it would stop the server, create a .zip or whatever is easier to create of the whole server, place it in the user FTP then start the server. After that, the client can simply download his backup to his computer. Also maybe a restore feature? Would love to see that feature implemented, it's been asked a lot by my Minecraft clients hehe. If there was a small guide on the basics of Scripting in TCAdmin 2 I could probably create it.
  7. Wierd, it was completly oposite when I tried Minecraft on Windows. On topic, the link doesn't work.
  8. Wierd, it was the only installation of mumur on my server.
  9. Hello, There's a typo in the murmur server on linux. The default Commandline needs to be: -ini $[service.UserDirectory]murmur.ini -fg -v . It was missing the variable so it was never finding his configuration file.
  10. All in the title. I tried billing@mydomain.info and it says "The company e-mail is not valid"
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