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Everything posted by zelatech

  1. does anybody know if steam downloaded games can be used for dedicated server? This would be quite a good news.
  2. yes it will be possible, but they will be unranked. Ranking is only matchmaking. Btw I hope people will still buy dedicated server as for mw2.
  3. Coming out in next week, i open this topic to work together to release a working config for day 1.
  4. Hi, may i use the Halo config making some change to run custom edition? Regards!
  5. 100% agree with you my friend, i think we should work togheter to kick them out, I'll send you an email in minutes.
  6. There's no ranked gsp in Italy, there's ranked gsp who rent server in Italy.
  7. Yes that's right but costumers would prefer to buy a game server from an italian website if they're italian, non an american/english, even if servers are located in Italy.
  8. And actually i am in Italy, you are not...so what?
  9. Did you have a link to prove that i'm not true? No italian gsp are in the list. http://battlefield.ea.com/battlefield/bf2142/ranked_partners_us.aspx?Lang=us&PID=&SrchName=&Profiles=
  10. Thanks for your reply. As we are GSP from Italy it sounds difficult to manage a trip to redwood. Btw i'll wait for them to answer as in Italy there's no Ranked GSP for any of their games.
  11. It's working now, with no change in config, maybe a temporary issue.
  12. Actually it can only connect 1 user per time. Is there an option to allow multi-connection? Regards.
  13. Hi, i've written many mails to DICE and EA to get registred as official GSP provider for Bf3 and allow our costumers to have ranked server but we didn't got any answer. Does someone have infos about how to get in touch with them? Regard in advance.
  14. CleverComponents.InetSuite.SocketError: Di norma ? consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta) ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Di norma ? consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta) in System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) in System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.SyncConnection.NetworkStreamListen(Int32 port) --- Fine dell'analisi dello stack dell'eccezione interna --- in CleverComponents.InetSuite.SyncConnection.NetworkStreamListen(Int32 port) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.NetworkStream.Listen(Int32 port) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.TcpServerConnection.Open(Int32 port) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.FtpServer.?(FtpCommandConnection ?, String ?, String ?) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.TcpCommandServer.OnProcessCommand(CommandConnection connection, TcpCommandInfo info, TcpCommandParams parameters) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.TcpCommandServer.ProcessCommand(CommandConnection connection, TcpCommandInfo info, TcpCommandParams parameters) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.TcpCommandServer.ProcessData(CommandConnection connection, String data) in CleverComponents.InetSuite.?.?(IAsyncResult ?) In ftp log: Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto... Risposta: 220 TCAdmin FTP Server Comando: USER Admin Risposta: 331 Password required for Admin. Comando: PASS ************ Risposta: 230 User Admin logged in. Comando: SYST Risposta: 215 Windows 9x/NT. Comando: FEAT Risposta: 502 Command not implemented. Stato: Connesso Stato: Lettura elenco cartelle... Comando: PWD Risposta: 257 "/" is current directory. Comando: TYPE I Risposta: 200 Type I ok. Comando: PASV Risposta: 451 Requested action aborted: Di norma ? consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta) Comando: PORT 192,168,0,2,216,14 Risposta: 200 PORT command successful. Comando: LIST Errore: Tempo scaduto per la connessione Errore: Non ? stato possibile leggere il contenuto della cartella Stato: Connessione a 95.***.**.***:8821... Stato: Connessione stabilita, in attesa del messaggio di benvenuto... Risposta: 220 TCAdmin FTP Server Comando: USER Admin Risposta: 331 Password required for Admin. Comando: PASS ************ Risposta: 230 User Admin logged in. Stato: Connesso Stato: Lettura elenco cartelle... Comando: PWD Risposta: 257 "/" is current directory. Comando: TYPE I Risposta: 200 Type I ok. Comando: PASV Risposta: 451 Requested action aborted: Di norma ? consentito un solo utilizzo di ogni indirizzo di socket (protocollo/indirizzo di rete/porta) Comando: PORT 192,168,0,2,216,118 Risposta: 200 PORT command successful. Comando: LIST Errore: Tempo scaduto per la connessione Errore: Non ? stato possibile leggere il contenuto della cartella Error is 451 Requested action aborted, local error in processing.
  15. Hi, game at the end started, it's only during installation. Btw ftp is not working for any of our clients.
  16. ftp is not working anymore.
  17. module create over whmcs works, but before when pressed the gameserver status on Tcadmin was "Loading" until completed, now is "StartError".
  18. worked with that file, thanks.
  19. look at the wiki here: http://help.tcadmin.com/Updating
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