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  1. create a whole new service and just copy minecraft but change the ports. that what i did when i did it.
  2. Just to be clear, you own TWO master servers and you want to make one the main master and turn the other into a slave?
  3. go into the game config click on file feature permissions and make an exception.
  4. seems to work well for them, brian must be rolling in $$$ because of this stupid company policy.
  5. It will work if it's installed on the master.
  6. If you do what I said above you can't go wrong, it is exactly the same, you just need to change some values and configure properties file.
  7. Jack

    Running (pid 0)

    PID 0 means that the jarfile could not start. Make sure you're using 64bit Java, also post your commandline.
  8. Copy the MC one and then change some things, port, executable file and disable the ability to view the mods area and other areas that are not needed for it.
  9. That and to send bulk emails to clients who meet criteria. Server Datacenter Server IP (useful if the IP has been nullrouted for whatever to send out an email notifying why) Virtual Server Specific game Specific OS So if you want to send out a bulk email for all users that are on Windows servers about a specific Java update at x time it doesn't bother the users on Linux if the update isn't ready for them yet. etc.
  10. Jack

    PID accuracy, Windows?

    Any updates on this?
  11. Jack

    PID accuracy, Windows?

    It is ticked, on Windows Server 08 I'm using the Resource Monitor (Task manage > Performance > Resource Monitor). Then I try and search through PID's on TCAdmin and none of them are showing up with my search, it's the same with 'netstat -n -a -o' trying to search through PIDs.
  12. A server of mine is using around 20% CPU usage going off of the recourse monitor, searching this PID via TCAdmin isn't showing the process ID, I'm going off of multiple PID's and it's not showing anything.
  13. Are the servers not running at all? I've migrated servers several times with TCAV2, recently moved my whole master server 60GB of space to another server with a different IP and it was fine. Are you on the same IP? Make sure the TCAGame user has the correct permissions over the TCAFiles/Users folder.
  14. How are you supposed to monitor server resources and capacity if users are constantly changing the location of their servers? To add to this, if someone wanted to screw your company over they could buy a small gmod server and then constantly move all the files, that would chew through your bandwidth.
  15. Is it possible to allow for modifications to have the reinstallable option?
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